Monster Kid

18 3 4

Chara P.O.V

The moment I reload, I leap right off the cliff, soaring into the air. I was going to deal with that person in the doorway. It was obvious that I could easily get past Undyne with flight alone.

She throws a few spears up at me, which I dodge with ease. The Captain throws some more spears into the mix, she had a lot more reach than Undyne did, which suprised me and causes my death.

I snarl in frustration, jumping off the cliff again when I've reloaded. I distance myself from them both, taking a dive for the door. I smile when I get through it. Undyne and the Captain yelling at me.

"You didn't learn. Did you?" That voice chuckles darkly. Objects impale my legs, shoulders and wings. Pegging me to the ground.

When I go to look up, a boot rests against my head.

"Before I kill you again. Tell me this.... Why did you kill them?" They speak with venom in their voice.

"Ahaha~ I didn't realise I owed you an explanation" I chirp tauntingly. "You'll also have to specify who you're talking about, I've killed a lot of you so far" I chuckle.

"My Mother.... My Brothers" I hear their teeth grit in anger.

"Hmmm..... There were a lot of mothers and brothers. Not specific enough" I taunt, just wanting him to kill me so I could come up with a new plan to get past this god forsaken area.

"Grilla. Grillby.... Papyrus" I could hear a quiver in his voice.

Ohohoho~ He must be talking about the fire lady, fire boy and the pipsqueak.

"The little skeleton baby that practically begged me to be good in their dying moments? Before I crushed their throat!" I cackle. I hear Undyne and the Captain gasp in the background.

"Laugh all you want, monster. I'll keep killing you and killing you until you give up" they snarl.

"Aren't you the comedian? Clearly you don't know that my determination is unrivalled. That means I'll never stop" I grin.

"We'll see about that....." I hear the slightest hint of humor in their voice.

"SANS WAIT-!" The Captain gasps before they kill me.

I definitely couldn't take that exit. But. There was one other exit, I'd just have to get the Captain as far away from it as possible before I tried for it.

Yet again I take for the air, leading Undyne and the Captain around, desperately trying to get the Captain to move away from their position. They don't move an inch. I snarl angrily when that blue dragon gets summoned again, beginning it's chase. I realise that the Captain probably had to concentrate on controlling it, so I had a small window of escaping.

I dive for the exit, concentrating on dodging anything that might get sent my way. The moment before I reach the door, a large wall of bones blocks it off.

"Heh. I don't think so.... monster" that voice. Sans taunts.

"Comedian" I hiss.

"Try again" they laugh, a bunch of bones stabbing through me. All I see is a big grin in the shadows of a hood.

Looks like I HAVE to fight with Undyne and the Captain again. I'll have to make sure they stay dead this time. It's good I have a lot of practice.

It looks like Sans doesn't enter the room at all, even when I peg the Captain with quite a few spears, earlier than I had the first time. She was pinned up well this time. I turn all my attention to Undyne who frets for her comrade, taking strikes at her again and again. Happily watching as she gets weaker and weaker. Her HP was close to hitting zero.

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