Angel of Darkness

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Papyrus's P.O.V

Brothers memories flow into my mind. That person who threatened the little flower, Frisk, was my best friend, according to Sans.

I see our amazing final battle against a large shadowy beast. Frisk fires a HUGE dragon at them! It was so cool!

Sunlight spreads across the corrupted lands outside the barrier, purifying it. I let go of brothers hand when an incredible wave of sadness takes over his mind.

"Brother?" I give him a worried look as he slips his hand back into it's sleeve, then he looks to the now unconscious Flower who was apparently Frisk too?

"It's just. We were so close.... Anyway bro. We better head to Skydin and warn everyone" Brother mutters, putting Frisk in his pocket and grabbing my hand.

We start to teleport in short bursts, sticking to the forests if at all possible. At some point, I swear I see the Angel Frisk. They were fighting with Lesser Dog. Brother keeps going, I think he was forcing himself at this point.

I could see that Brother was exhausted when we pop into Grillaz establishment.

"Sans! You're not supposed to teleport into here young man! You could end up inside a chair again!" Grilla scolds.

"Sorry" Brother replies, falling to one knee, holding his skull.

"Are you okay sweetie!?" Grilla gasps, picking brother up.

"No. An Angel is coming.... An Angel of Death" brother groans.

"This isn't one of your pranks is it?" Grilla looks at Sans questioningly, he'd answer, but he had fallen asleep.

"He's not joking. There really is an Angel of death. You've gotta warn the town. I'll head off to warn my friends in waterfall. I'll warn Grillby while I'm there!" I exclaim, running off.

"H-hey! Papyrus wait!" I hear Grilla call. I don't turn back. I knew Grilla could look after everyone, I had to make sure that my friends in waterfall knew of the incoming danger.

It takes quite a while, but I finally arrive in the room where Grillby flies his hot air balloon. I had warned everyone I came across on my way.

"Grillby!" I wail, flying over to him.

"Papyrus? Where's the fire? Oh. Wait. Right here" Grillby chuckles, I narrow my eyes at him.

"Nyeeeehh..... Jokes aside! There's an Angel of Death coming, warn everyone that you can!" I run off after I've given the message, heading for Happy's and Napstablook's homes.

"Happpyyyy!!" I yell the moment I get to the room containing his house.

"Papy Darling? What's wrong?" Happy opens their door.

"There's an Angel of Death coming. Warn Napstablook too!" I catch my breath a little.

"I'm afraid Blooky went to hang in the ruins, my dear. I can't tell him until he returns, but thanks for the message Papy" Happy smiles.

"Warn everyone that you can. I gotta head back to Skydin. Just in case my brother wakes up. Stay safe Happy!" I run off, feeling tears running down my sockets.

"You too Papy dear!" He calls back. Poor Happy. Napstablook is probably..... I can't stop my tears and the sobs as I run back to Skydin.

Frisks P.O.V

My body feels awful, as if it's been ripped apart. I guess it practically did when Chara came through the ruins door.

Ah! The Skeleton Brothers!

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