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Frisks P.O.V

I find myself back in Skydin every time Chara dies. Sans would throw me out every single time before I could even explain anything to him, he didn't WANT to listen. I race to warn Grillby and Papyrus instead, but the moment they find out about Grilla, they hunt Chara down and attack them again, only Grillby would land the finishing blow. Such an endless cycle. I'm not going to lie. Grillby and Papyrus are incredible. It's just..... It's MADNESS.

Eventually something changes though. Instead of facing Papyrus and Grillby whilst in the battle, Chara targets me. I wail, trying my best to dodge. They were too fast though, managing to separate me from my vines.

"Frisk!" Paps gasps as Chara crushes my face, making me scream.

"Let go of them!" Grillby exclaims, I couldn't see what happens, but Papyrus wails.

"One down.... One to go" Chara laughs, I start sobbing.

"J-just let Frisk go. W-we can go our separate ways" I could hear Papyrus's bones rattling with fear.

"JUST RUUUUUN!!" I wail. Chara crushes my face even more.

"L-LET THEM GO!" Papyrus yells, Chara starts to move all over the place, laughing and taunting him.

I hear Papyrus grunt in pain, Chara stops crushing me. They hold me up so I could see Papyrus lying on the ground, he wasn't moving.

"You certainly are a strong little skeleton~" Chara smiles as they put my foot against Papys throat.

"NO!! STOP! STOP!" I screech, trying desperately to get free of them.

"It's such a pathetic existence isn't it? Everyone crushes the small and weak. I'm just following that universal law" Chara smiles at me.

"Please. It isn't too late to be good...." Papyrus speaks with a raspy voice.

"Awww~ How cute" Chara giggles. Suddenly putting all their force into crushing his throat.

"But no" Chara cackles, throwing me down onto Papyrus and moving on. I scream endlessly, holding onto his soul the moment it comes out.

Sans P.O.V

I eventually look up from Grilla, noticing that only fifteen minutes had gone past. That didn't seem right to me....

I stand up, grabbing something to hold Grillas dust, burying her out the back and marking her grave with a spatula.

"I love you mom" I mutter, before moving on to see where Frisk and Papyrus had gone. When I go outside, I notice piles of dust, heading right past our home. I dash towards it, slamming the door open.

"Papyruuuuus!!!" I wail, teleporting to his bedroom door, looking inside.

"Are you hiding?? Please come out!" I panic, checking all over the house and coming up empty. I go out onto my verandah for a high vantage point.

"PAPYYRUUUUUUUSSS!!!" I yell, noticing Taffy floating along the river.

"H-Hey! Taffy, do you know where Paps is?!" I wail. They stop and look up at me. I gasp as I get picked up with a blue aura, I float towards their boat, getting placed down gently.

They silently float down the river.

I start to hear painful crying in the distance. God it was irritating. Must be Frisk....

Wait. Why is Frisk crying?!

Taffy notices my uneasiness, looking at me for a second, then they lower their head.

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