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Undynes P.O.V

I follow the Captain as she storms through Firefly Falls, looking around on high alert. That Angel could be anywhere by now, that Sans punk too. I hoped we'd come across either of them soon, for the longer we took, the more lives would be lost.

"THERE!" the Captain booms, pointing at a demon just turning into dust, she runs to them.

"Where did that monster go?" The Captain asks the fallen Aaron.

"Bro... Like. That way" he flexes as he points in a direction.

"Your death will not be in vain" I bow my head.

"Let's go Undyne" the Captain commands, I begin following her again. It turns out that the kiddo had almost made it to Coldlands and we had somehow gone past them altogether. We curse ourselves, noticing the Angel near the large cave entrance into Coldlands, touching the air. The Captain jumps off the cliff edge, clawing her way over to the entrance to block the punk off.

Charas P.O.V

The large clanging of armor fills the air. It must be one of those idiot dogs again.

Hehe. Another victim.

I turn around, unsure as to what I was going to be fighting. Whatever they were, they were huge. However. You know what they say. The bigger they are, the harder they fall. The person pulls up blue spears, throwing them at me.

Too easy.

I dodge their spears, but I don't expect more spears coming from beside me. There were two people here.

"Shit" I hiss as my soul shatters, reloading at the save point. I immediately dash for the large cavernous entrance, getting a suprise when I meet the other person as they come over the cliff edge, throwing blue spears at me with a roar.

God dammit!!

I reload again.

I turn around, facing the first, larger attacker. Readying myself to grab atleast one of the spears. They make it rain again, I run towards them to dodge. A few spears clip me, but I manage to grab one. It changes to a dark red colour. I guess that meant it was mine now.

I swing the spear at my attacker. Seeing their name come up as they take a nice amount of damage.

Undyne huh? That up and coming Royal Guard Captain people have threatened me with before their demise....

The other attacker roars as they throw their spears at me, I deflect them, only to turn around and get impaled by Undynes spears. I really should have bought food before I killed people.

I reload again and again, following the same course of actions, desperately trying to twist around my attackers so they'd hit each other. I get in a hit when I can, but they get in so many more. It fuels my need to DESTROY them.

Dead. AGAIN. These two were DETERMINED to kill me, just as well I was determined to kill them too. I start to cackle as i fight them, unsettling them as I keep moving, even after a spear hits me square in the shoulder. Perfect.

I rip the spear out of my shoulder, sending it straight towards the smaller one with such unrelenting force, they fly into a wall, getting pegged there.

That's one down~♡

"Captain!" Undyne wails, perfectly distracted by their friends predicament.

"You shouldn't be worrying about your friend!" I laugh, running straight at them with the knife I had taken from mother dearests and slashing it across their body, giving no mercy. It's a critical hit!

Joy spreads across my face as I see their health bar reach zero. I just laugh and laugh, turning around to finish the other.

"You.... Fool..." Undyne laughs. I gasp, looking their way. Twenty spears rain down on me. I barely scrape by with my life. To my horror, they were still standing. It looked like they were melting, and barely holding themselves together.

"You'll have to try harder than that!" They smirk as their wings grow larger and spear tipped. Their left eye flashes blue as more spears slam down before me in a line as I shift backwards. I come dangerously close to the edge of the cliff. Hmm... Cliff.


I spread out my bat-like wings. The result of Asriels corruption spreading through this Angels wings. Said corruption didn't effect me, the tainted air didn't effect my flight either. I mean. I created this darkness. I am it's Master, and I will show Undyne their place in this dark world. Death.

They twist, sending out yellow spears at me, they don't seem to fly straight, so I avoid them by jumping off the cliff. I beat my wings, easily shooting into the air.

"Get back here you runt!" Undyne barks, sending more spears my way, I taunt her as I fly in and out of their range, waiting for the opportune moment to strike.

I curse when I notice the yellow lizard fall to the ground, getting up, they don't bother to pick their helmet back up.

"Oh god! Undyne!" They wail.

"I'm okay Ma'am. For now. But this brat" Undyne snarls as they point up at me.

The lizard lady looks up at me, a smirk growing onto their face.

"You should've killed me when you had the chance. You MONSTER" they hiss. Summoning a large blue dragon. I look at it in alarm, when she roars and thrusts her arm forwards, it roars and flies at me. I immediately start to fly in the opposite direction, looking behind to notice that it's tracking me and showed no signs of stopping.

Down below, Undyne was just waiting for me to come into range. This place only had two exits. They were by the second one. I'd have to go back the way I came and wait for the fish monster to completely melt.

I just hoped I was fast enough to get out. I notice the dragon gaining on me, deciding that it was now or never.

I shoot down for the doorway, dodging Undynes spears, grinning when I hear the two of them curse. I had evaded them, slipping through the doorway.

My body jerks to a stop.


I get slammed into the ground, the walls, the roof. Everything is a daze.


I cry out in pain as I'm slammed onto my back.

"Flights out, Kiddo..." someone speaks as their boot presses against my neck to hold me down.

I choke out a gasp as multiple objects impale me.

"GET. DUNKED. ON!" that voice snarls.


I'm going to enjoy killing this asshole.



Mwahahahahahaha..... MWWWWWAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! ಥ♡ಥ -dog song plays-

This is for you my angelic cinnabun roll~ Q^ Q

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