Bed Time

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Frisks P.O.V

Coldness seems to spread through my body, it felt quite refreshing but scary at the same time.

"That little idiot" I hear someone sigh, though I don't know who. The next thing I know, I can hear flowing water.

"River..... Person?" I hear the Captain ask. The name Taffy comes to my mind at this point.

"Where's Undyne!?" The Captain shrieks.

"Fallen" Taffy replies.

"But she....! Alphys. How am I going to tell Alphys" The Captain sobs.

"You can't..... She's fallen too" Taffy sighs.

"What? You can't mean that.... You can't!" The Captain wails.

"I'm sorry Elys...." Taffy murmurs.

I wiggle about in some sort of bag, trying to get free.

"You're up" Taffy comments, opening the bag that I'm in and helping me out. I notice their skeletal hands... They shift me out of their cloak, I just phase right through as if the cloak was liquid.

"Are you feeling okay?" They asks, holding up some taffy to my mouth, I sheepishly take it, trembling a little.

"You know the numskull isn't in his right mind...." Taffy pats my petals softly.

I nod sadly, sniffling slightly. I could see it in his eyes, if I could label his expression. It'd be murderous, he didn't see me as any different than Chara right now.

"There's nothing we can do to stop Chara except wait for them to reset. It's the better option anyway" Taffy puts me on top of their hood.

"What do you mean, reset?" The Captain looks up with interest.

"The current world is like a game. Chara will kill everyone that they possibly can. Get bored. And reset the game, bringing back everyone that was killed. Frisk here will be back in their body. And we'll go through all this again. Oh. And you won't remember any of this happening, Captain" Taffy replies.

"You mean I'll have my daughter back?" The Captain beams. Taffy nods.

"Oh thank heaven's" she starts to cry again.

"Taffy? How do I know you as Taffy?" I ask.

"Ahh. You slightly remember the last timeline? You weren't too far gone into the darkness then. Here, lemme give you a memory boost" Taffy 'boops' my face. Memories of everyone flows into my mind.

"I.... I got sick at the end? And Daddy really came?" I stammer.

"Yes. Chara, the nicer version. Wouldn't let you die permanently. So they reset" Taffy sighs.

"I'm.... Somewhat happy. But everyone's happiness....." I sniffle.

"There exists a way for everyone's happiness. I've seen it. I just can't see everything about it, especially when Sans is concerned. Our powers of future-seeing clash. I cancel out his if we touch. And whenever I'm near him, my vision gets so bad I have to rely on other senses. I'm glad I've got Batholemew" Taffy pats me again.

"Oh...." I murmur, noticing that we were near the castle. Taffy curses a little.

"He's here.... In Judgement Hall I'd say, waiting for Chara to come. I can't do my job with him there" Taffy grunts in annoyance.

Oh that's right. Taffy is the Judge.

"No! Not Mettaton!" I hear people wail nearby. It sounds like there was a panicked frenzy.

"They're getting closer to Judgement Hall, no doubt. They've gathered almost enough LOVE to control Asriel and break through the Cloud Barrier" Taffy murmurs.

"What do we do?" I ask.

"There's nothing we can do really. If there's something you feel you must do. Go ahead. But before you go. Give me Toriel, Grilla, Papyrus and Undynes souls. Well. What's left of them. Trust me when I say they're better with me" Taffy murmurs.

"How do you know they're with me?" I gasp.

"I'm the Riverman. Or Riverwoman. It doesn't really matter. It's not just a Greek Myth you know. There is someone who takes the souls of the Fallen to 'Hades'. Not that I take them to Hades mind you. The humans of Old made that part up. I just make sure they're at peace~ Tra la la" Taffy explains.

"O-oh. I guess they would be better with you" I frown, concentrating on the warmth of my friends souls. Bringing them out. Taffy picks me up off their hood. Turning away from Elys and pulling their hood down. I expected to see my grandfather. But it's not him. They were a skeleton, that's for sure.

They had their eye sockets closed, probably for the reason that they couldn't see anyway.

Taffy opens their mouth, sucking the souls in and swallowing, much to my my alarm.

The strangest thing happens. Their face changes from Toriel, to Grilla, then Papyrus. Then finally Undynes.

"There. Now their spirits are light again. And Batholemew feels so much better. Don't you Batholemew?" Taffy pats their boat, pulling their hood up as their face returns to, what I assume, is normal. Batholomew smiles a little wider, pulling up to the shore.

Sans P.O.V

I hear footsteps entering the hall behind me.

I knew they'd come through here....

"Hey there~" Chara chuckles, making me quiver in anger.

"So you killed that Tin Can huh?" I mutter.

"Hah. They were easy. All it took was one little hit. And they crashed into a trash pile"  Chara replies happily.

"I won't deny it. You did the Underworld a favour. But.... Papyrus really loved that gu-" I turn around and stare into their crazed red eyes. They interrupt me as I speak.

"Oh my god! You're the comedian, aren't you?!" They beam happily.

"What's it to ya. m o n s t e r" I snarl. They flick their knife into the air and catch it, a sickening grin crawling over their face.

"Looks like you're ready for your bed time. Because I'm going to put you to sleep. PERMANENTLY" a similar grin spreads across my face as I pull up a barrage of bones and send them at Chara.

They deflect the bones with their knife, getting really close to me. I teleport behind them. Sending another barrage right into their back. Killing them.

They return at the back of the hall. Appearing with a more sinister grin on their face.

"What's with that look? Seems like I'm good at what I do, huh?" I taunt.

"I'm going to enjoy ending you, comedian" Chara laughs, roaring as they run at me.

"Ditto" I smirk. Killing them again.

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