The Creatures of the Void

27 3 21

(???) P.O.V

I watch as Sans and Chara clash.

Sans was much too tricky with his teleportation, and he never did the same thing twice in a row, keeping Chara on their toes. It's amazing at what I experience within this body.

But it's also sad. Seeing him like this. He's in so much pain. I was dying to hug him.

Can't we just freeze Chara?

I'd probably end up freezing Sans too. I can't see.

WhY NoT uSe ThE haNdS?

They can't see you idiot...


I swear you're meant to be smart...

I'm SoRry. bIT BuSy BeINg ScAtTEr bRaiNEd.


I will hurt you.... Adorable nerd....

I kNoW.... MaPle BuNs~

C'mere you~

Please don't, you know what happens when you two-

You guys, we should be concentrating!

I sigh as this body kisses and hugs itself, in such a serious moment. I ignore it, making sure I'm looking towards the battle.

Sans looks tired. I notice that he couldn't teleport anymore, any bones that he summons are barely formed.

"Haha. What's this comedian? You're not as strong as you appear to be?" Chara grins as they advance on Sans.

"Get away from me!" Sans snarls, though I could feel his sudden fear. He desperately summons bones to attack, but Chara deflects them with their knife.

We have to help! Do something! Anything!

There isn't anything I can do....

Chara swings their knife at Sans.



A piece of some sort of horn appears before Sans, shielding him from the knife attack. My head starts to throb.


You said it... Nyeeeehh....

Really wish you didn't bring us here... Could you please put some Taffy in our mouth? I'd like to avoid shattering any time soon.


You'll find out if you're still 'awake', if it happens. I really don't want to check if it does.

Woah! What happened to Sans!?

Sans right eye socket had shattered, black goop bleeding out, defying gravity. He was also wearing a maniacal grin, that also bled the black goop. In the centre of his forehead, he had a third eye, it was slightly alarming to me.

He's being partially possessed by him. Things are about to get really interesting. Considering that the world just saved.



I gasp as brother lets his one Veil-like wing out, as for his other one. It regenerates. Only it's not like an aurora. It's pitch black with more of the gravity defying black goop.

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