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Frisks P.O.V

Dark, darker, yet darker. I felt as if I was sinking into nothingness. The distant sound of Sans singing, my only company. I call out, but no one comes.

This place is frightening, like any chance it gets, it'll swallow me up.

"Found you~" someone whispers. I scream in fear, trying to run away.

"Woah woah~ Calm down. It's okay, it's just me" I hear Taffy chuckle, appearing out of the darkness, a hunched over being following behind them, the creepiest grin on it's face.

"Oh don't worry about him. He's nicer than he looks" Taffy smiles.

"Who is he?" I shiver slightly.

"About 60% of me. An easier explanation is. He's my Dad. Can't you see the resemblance?" Taffy chuckles, putting an arm around their supposed father and pointing into the darkness of their hood.

"Ummmm" If i could sweat, I would be.

"It'S NicE tO mEeT yOU, ChILd" the hunched form whispers softly, immediately calming my nerves.

"My name's Frisk. It's nice to meet you. Taffy's Dad" I hold my hand out. A floating hand appears, shaking my hand. He chuckles.

"Where are we? It's so.... Cold and Empty" I shiver.

"This is the void. You ended up here because you died whilst in the flower. Though don't worry. You won't be here for long, and neither will the me of your timeline" Taffy points through the darkness.

I see someone there, struggling to overcome pain.

"Will they be alright?" I frown, wanting to hug them.

"It's not my first shattering, certainly won't be my last" Taffy picks me up and puts me on his shoulders, walking somewhere with his dad following. The world starts turning grey.

"You two! Where have you been! You know I don't like it when you go into the voi-!" A somewhat short skeleton gasps, flames pouring from their mouth and sockets.

"Who is this?" She glares at me.

"This is Frisk. Frisk. She is about 30% of my Body. I was grown from her missing horn" Taffy explains.

"So she's your mom? She's pretty" I smile.

"Flattery will get you nowhere, Angel!" she spits, turning completely blue.

"Careful what you say. She'll bite your head off" Taffy giggles quietly.

"Sounds like Sans~" I mutter.

"You said Sans! Is he okay!? These idiots say nothing! Tell meeeeee~" Lumina ragdolls me a little.

"He's fiiine. Papyrus will be, too. The world is going to reset soon" Taffy grabs me off of her, placing me back on their shoulders.

"You know I don't understand your sciencey timeline gobbledygook! In English~" she hisses.

"They're fine. Grilla takes good care of them" Taffy looks like he wants to avoid Genocide topics like their life depended on it.

"Thankyou. I really gotta say thanks to Grilla. If I ever get out of here" she sighs, sitting on some kind of chair, stroking what seemed to be an aurora-like veil sadly.

"Uh oh. Times up" Taffy comments as I notice myself getting light headed.

"Wait! Take this with you! I know it probably won't stay there. If whatever these two say is true and the world 'resets'. But I want Sans to know that I love him and miss him. Tell Papyrus too!" She cries, giving me the veil. I smile and nod, wrapping the veil around my neck, knowing that I had seen it somewhere before.

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