Heart of Light

17 3 2

Frisks P.O.V

I create a wall of vines between Chara and Sans, shooting an enormous amount of healing pellets into Sans, watching the large wound across his ribs eventually heal up after what felt like billions of constant pellets.

I wasn't tired in the slightest. I had the six souls Chara had collected on my side. I wouldn't attack, but they would.

"Frisk?! What're you doing here! You shouldn't-!" Sans begins hyperventilating.

"Of course we should brother! This isn't over yet!" The Soul of Kindness exclaims.

"Paps?!" Sans gasps.

"You got it~ Little Punk! NGAAAHAHAHAHA!" the soul of Justice exclaims.

"I don't understand h-how w-we've transcended timelines. I s-suspect it has something to do with Frisks D-determination" the soul of Bravery stammers.

"Who cares darling! We're here! And we've got a job to do!" The soul of Perseverance chimes in.

"My child" the soul of Integrity floats to Sans as he cries, the wisp-like form of Toriel giving him a hug.

"You tried your best. Didn't you" the soul of Patience speaks, all the souls float over to Sans. Shielding him. I smile happily. I didn't feel so helpless now.

Chara has been angrily screaming and cutting away at my vines all this time. I shift my face to them.

"WEEEEEED!!! I WILL KILL YOU!!!" They snarl, flying up and taking a shot at my face.

"Nope~" I taunt, shifting slightly. They miss, hitting vines instead, they keep trying.

They always miss my face and hit my impenetrable wall of vines.

"Just give up Chara. You and I both know I won't stop!" I dodge them yet again. Poisonous goop spills out of their body.

"I should've killed you when I had the chance, weed. No matter" they start laughing maniacally.

"I'M LV 20!" they declare triumphantly. Shadows smash through the all the windows, even the ones behind my wall of vines. I immediately cover Sans back as well.

"DIE!" Chara roars, sending the pieces of corrupted Asriel at me. My love barely resists his corruption. Chara hisses angrily, hacking away at me for god knows how long. I don't feel my determination slip in the slightest.

"WHY WON'T YOU DIE!?!" Chara screams.

"I won't let you hurt him!" I glare.

"Hah! And yet you let me kill the others?!" They laugh.

"I didn't know how strong I could be back then. But I know now!" I beam.

They start desperately attacking me again, but this time, they stop in mid swing. Like they realised something.

"I don't know why I'm sitting here trying to get that shrimp.... When there's plenty of LV up above!" They facepalm, recalling the pieces of corrupted Asriel and flying out of the broken window.

I grow a vine out the window, looking out the window with alarm. They pierce through the clouds with corrupted Asriel behind them. I start to tremble uncontrollably, shriveling back into just my stem and flowery head.

"Frisk!" Sans exclaims, I start to cry.

"What is it?! What's wrong?" He gasps.

"Sans. They've gone into heaven~" I wail.

"Oh.... Kiddo" Sans frowns.

"They're gonna kill everyone. Mommy, Daddy, Maaaaars~!" I sob pitifully. Sans picks me out of the ground carefully, patting my petals, already knowing that he couldn't calm me down.

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