Michaela Jakeman

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My Friday was about to be awesome.

I had health class instead of P.E., we had a sub in science, we didn't have anything to do in band, and I had a study period.

On top of all of that, I was going out for ice cream after school with my friends. It seemed like everything was going to be fine.

Health seemed to go by really quickly. We learned about the digestive system, which was really simple. At least, I thought it was simple. My teacher had told us we'd be doing an in-class project with partners during next class, and we got to pick our own partners. Maggie and I paired up, and we got assigned doing a project on the esophagus. Afterwards, my teacher put on a Bill Nye video. Maggie joked about how our teacher looked like Caillou.

Science was really simple as well. Since we had a sub, we did a packet about genetics, which we were learning about in our unit that we were on, and watched a movie about Watson and Crick. Ken was in this class with me, so we did our packet together and then hung out while the movie was on. I chatted with some of my other friends about what they thought about the new kid before the substitute turned on movie.

In band, my teacher had us go outside and play kickball. We have this thing every year where we get assessed on three pieces of our choosing, and since that had happened on Wednesday after school, my teacher was giving us a few days off, ones that we didn't have to play our instruments on. He really wanted us to play kickball on at least one of the days, and that's what we did. Ken was great at kickball, probably because he's on the football and soccer team at our school. Maggie turned out to be good at kicking stuff. Marcus kinda sucked, but we knew he would be. Alina didn't even play, since she was in a dress. She was a ref with another girl, Jackie. I was mediocre. Apollo, he was a different story. He popped the ball when he kicked it. I don't even know how! I'll have to ask him this afternoon.

During study hall, I finished all of my homework except for a history project, which is already started in at home but didn't feel like working on now. I finished earlier than I expected, and went on my phone to write a story that I'd probably delete later. My mom might think I'm kind of weird for writing it.

Finally, the school day way over. I headed to the area where my friend group meets up. Ken was there, and so was Apollo. Everyone else came shortly after.

"So, as I said in my text, I think we should just walk there, since the ice cream shop is two blocks away." Maggie said once everyone was there.

Everyone agreed, including myself. The ice cream shop was a small, locally owned place called 'Larry's Dairy Extraordinary' that sold really awesome and fun flavors. We all headed there together.

"So Apollo, have you been to Larry's yet?" I ask him.

"Not yet." He admits. "I saw it but never thought to walk in."

"It's really good." Alina adds.

"Larry is my uncle and godfather." Ken mentions.

Apollo snickers. "Godfather?"

"Not a literal god, Apollo." Marcus says in response. "Unlike your namesake."

"I've never heard you say the word namesake, Marcus." Maggie says.

"I've got a vocabulary-obsessed English teacher." Marcus replies with a shrug, causing all of us to laugh.

I linked my hand with Ken's as we crossed the intersection to get to Larry's. We all cross the street to the strip-mall that had the ice cream shop. Ken and I, still holding hands, led the way.

We arrived in the ice cream shop, and I let go of Ken's hand. I've realized Larry has a routine when we walk into the shop, and it's funny to watch.

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