Amia Agape

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{idea from @ChandniKhan8 and @InspireTheDreams}

"And... Now!" I say.

And with that, my car breaks down. Right in front of Leo and Calypso's Garage: Auto Repair and Mechanical Monsters.

As a mortal, I'm known as Amia Agape. But as a goddess, I'm Aphrodite.

And my car breaking down in front of here was just a way to spy on Leo and Calypso, one of the cutest couples ever.

I don't mean to sound fangirly too much.

Okay, I do.

I walk inside and see two adults and a kid who looks about 6.

"Hello. How can I help you today?" the person who I knew was the mother was.

I knew this girl way too well, even if he didn't know me.

"My car just broke down outside. Do you think one of you could fix it?" I say, making my voice a British accent.

"Can do!" the man said.

I knew who this was too.

"My car is the orange convertible." I say.

"I'll go out and get it, and I'll fix it as quick as I can." he said, then rushed out.

When he was out, I said to the woman "I presume you and that man are Leo and Calypso."

"We sure are. And this little boy here is Sammy." The woman said, pointing to the boy. "We have another kid, Buford, who's 2. He's at a babysitters."

"You seem like a good family. I'm Amia, by the way. Amia Agape." I say.

"Wow. Your name means beloved and love." Calypso says.

"I've heard that if the Greek gods were real, I'd be a child of Aphrodite!" I say.

"So... Would you like anything to eat? We have salad, stew, fruit, a bunch of stuff." Calypso says.

"I'll have salad." I say.

I get the food and sit at a little table. Calypso comes and sits down across from me.

"It's my lunch break." she explains.

We talk about things, and Leo comes back in.

"Car's all fixed!" he says.

"Thank you two very much." I say.

And then, I realize I said that in my real voice.

"Aphrodite?" Calypso asks.

"You caught me." I say, changing my outfit with the snap of my fingers. "I have some time before the next meting, so I decided to come to see some cute couples. Don't judge."

And with that, I flashed back to Olympus, not waiting for a reply.


I have had two updates in one day.

That's a new record, I think.

Anyways, I'm writing a Frazel chapter next, so help me come up with an idea for it.

I don't mean to sound fangirly too much.

Okay, I do.


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