Thomas Gomez

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Finally! I graduated college, got my first teaching job, and moved into my new apartment! Everything's finally going right for once. Today, I'd unpack all of my things and get set up, and tomorrow I'd start my first teaching job.

I unpacked everything for my bedroom, put my few pots and pans in the kitchen, got my sister to help me move my couch in, and set up the internet. I built my bed, hung pictures, built my bookshelf, and ordered dinner from my favorite restaurant.

As I finished with the last boxes, the doorbell rang. "Maybe it's my neighbors?" I thought to myself.

Nope. It was my food. Still pretty exciting though.

I took my food and sat at the desk I built, my laptop in front of me. I typed in the website of the school I would be teaching at, and went to the staff section. All of the teacher's names were listed- including mine! Ahh, it's going to be weird having students call me Mr. Gomez from now on. I mean, I had that happen in my student teaching, but this time, it'd feel different.

I clicked on a few different teacher profiles through the staff directory, just to get a better feel of the different teachers. I'd met a few of them in person, but their teacher profiles would give me more insight to what they do in the school. Ms. Kile's a math teacher and aspiring writer. Mr. Green's a history teacher who has a passion for Nerf gun fights (and is the sponsor of the school's Nerf club). Dr. Berry's a science teacher that, from her picture on the website, looks like the best kind of old lady (aka, one who always calls you something nice and keeps candy on hand at all times).

I decided to pull up one more name before I got ready for bed and inevitably would stay up too late watching something on Netflix. I scrolled through the list multiple times before landing on a name. Mr. Brunner. A Latin teacher, who looks kind of old but also surprisingly young. I couldn't tell you his age just by looking at his picture, but he had the kind of face that you knew had been through a lot and had vast knowledge of the world. Definitely a person I needed to meet.

I got all ready for bed, pulled up Netflix on my laptop, and watched a few too many episodes of The Great British Baking Show before falling asleep. 

~The Next Day~


Ugh. Why didn't I set my alarm to a song? I would've loved waking up to the Beatles or something. Oof.

I hopped out of bed, got dressed, and made myself look presentable. Gotta make a good first impression, for the teachers I hadn't met while doing prep in the building over the summer and my new students.

I ate a waffle and a bite of my dinner from last night. Breakfast of champions, am I right? I glanced at my phone. 

"I won't be rushing, but I should get to the school early" I thought. And that's exactly what I did.

~At School~

Nametag and lanyard? Check. Hair looks okay? Check. Everything is in my bag? Check. Water cup fit for a chatty English teacher? Check!

I stepped out of my car and walked towards the large, looming school building. It never really felt scary before, but knowing I'd be working with students kinda gave me the heebie-jeebies. I went through the main entrance, greeted the front office workers, Connie and Arthur, and headed to the teacher's lounge. 

In there sat a couple teachers I didn't recognize, along with one I did from my look on the school website last night: Mr. Brunner. He was in a wheelchair, which I definitely didn't expect.

I must've been staring or something weird, because I was startled when he rolled up to me.

"You must be the other new teacher, correct?" He asked, a smile on his face.

"Uhhh... yeah." I answered sheepishly. This dude is also a new teacher? How old is this guy?

"I must not look like that new of a teacher, honestly." Mr. Brunner stated, as if he'd read my mind. "Granted, this isn't my first teaching job, but I'm new here, just like you."

I smiled "So what got you into teaching?"

"I've been teaching kids for years, and it never gets old." He replied, "You see them do incredible things that you helped them to achieve."

We talked for a while, about teaching as well as other things. It seemed like time passed very quickly, and I didn't notice that it was almost time for classes to start.

"Well, I must be off." He said. "I hope to talk to you again, young man."

I grinned, and waved as he sped out of the teacher's lounge.

I don't know why, but after talking to him, I feel so much more confidence in myself. I think I'm gonna be just fine today.

Sorry that this took me a while! I've decided to kinda go at my own pace. A lot is going on in my life right now so I'm putting my physical and mental health first. I'm working on improving my writing as well, so taking longer might just be because of that. I decided to make this chapter because I wanna be a teacher as well! Anyone else? Anyway, I hope everyone is doing fine and staying safe!


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