Chap 7

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Y/n's POV
Someone pulled Taehyung's collar with force , I turned to see the one and only ; Park Jimin ! "Yah ! Let him go !!" I tried to pull Jimin's hands away but his grip was so tight . I'm starting to worry Taehyung , I'm scared Jimin might hurt him . "It's okay ." Taehyung said "just go we'll be fine looks like mister needs a little talk " I looked at him worriedly but he just pushed me away . I turn around to see Jimin and Taehyung walking away together , I can feel the anger between them .... Aishhhh Jimin ..... It hurts to see you like this .......

One and a half hour ltr ....
I was waiting for Jimin in class since I'm in the same class with him .... I'm trying my best to be patient !!!!! Luckily the teachers have meetings today so none of the teachers are here . The classroom door opened and in came Jimin ! There were bruises on his face , it hurts to see him hurt .... I hurried over and asked him what happened , I was really worried , I wanted to forgive him , all my anger seemed to have vanished ..... I wanted to caress his cheek .... But before I could do so he pushed his way past me totally ignoring me , like I never was here ! I hate him ! I took my bag that was beside his table since we sit together and ran out of class . I grabbed a taxi and headed to my favourite place when I was a child , I haven't been there for so long ...... I went to a beach Taehyung and I used to go almost everyday . I took off my shoes and socks and walk on the sand , the sand is so soft it seems to make my problems vanish . I enjoy the breeze always .... After walking for a long time , I sat down on the sand a little distance so the waves wouldn't wet my uniform but close enough for the waves to hit my feet . The waves seems to wash all my frustrations away ..... It was getting dark but I didn't really wanna go home , I wanna be here forever !!! Without any problems . Since there wasn't anybody around , I shouted my anger out "ARGHHHHH !!! The sky darkened , I think I will have to go home now .... It started to rain ... Ugh ! I run alittle to a shelter nearby which is a resort , "ow !" I was in pain and I fell down , even if it's dark , I can see my feet bleeding from the rays of light from the resort , I accidentally stepped on a broken glass bottle . It hurts ! Why does everybody and everything hates me ?!!! I cried in the rain sitting on the sand alone getting ready to die . But suddenly I was carried up in bridal style ! Jimin ? Wtf ? Did he follow me here ?! It wasn't supposed to turn out this way ! I struggled to get off him as I don't like the idea of him carrying me but he wouldn't let go ! He carried me to a convenient store nearby which I seemed to forgot was there , he put me down on a chair and went to buy plaster , medicine and so on .... I wanted to leave but I know I shouldn't .... Jimin then helped me put on medicine and plaster it , I looked at his serious face and I know I shouldn't be stupid enough to fall again so I just looked away . After he was done , I paid him back but he wasn't willing to keep the money so I just stuffed it inside his  bag and I wanted to run away but instead end up limping away , when Jimin suddenly knelt in front with his back facing me .... This scene looks so familiar , tears starts to form in my eyes ....

Jimin's POV
I saw y/n and Taehyung coming to school together so I went over to him and pulled on his collar y/n tried to stop me but I wasn't willing to stop , my anger is overflowing ! Y/n was convinced by him to leave since Taehyung understood I wanted a good talk . Y/n left with a worried expression . We want to the rooftop together . "What do you want ?" Taehyung asked . "Why do you keep sticking to my girlfriend ?" I asked him arrogantly . "Your girlfriend ? Didn't you cheat on her with alittle somebody called Szemun ?" "Wha-" I was cut off "yes , I saw it all , and I know you know y/n saw you guys , when she ran away why didn't you stop her ?! She's not a toy for you to play ! Every time I see her cry because of you , I feel heartbroken !" Taehyung shouted at me . "Didn't you left her too before ? Why did you even bother to come back ?" "I was forced to leave ! If I ever knew she would end up this way I would give a million reasons to never leave her ! Now I'm back I will never leave her ! So just go you with your little Szemun and stop toying y/n !" I was angry and I punched Taehyung first , we fought for awhile until a guard came and stop us and before we could get caught we ran off in our own directions . I went back to class and y/n tried to talk to me but I ignored her , how could she leave me for Taehyung ?! I went back to my place but y/n angrily got her bag and ran out of the class ! I was worried that she might so stupid things so I ran off with her . She got in a taxi so I got in another one . After awhile we reached a beach , I'm breathless , this beach is just ..... AMAZING !! So I decided to watch over y/n quietly at a corner , it was getting dark but y/n doesn't seem like she gonna leave when she shouted loudly , is she okay ? Aishhhh ! Just as I was getting impatient she got up and I was relieved but it started to rain heavily ! Suddenly "ow !" I turned around to see y/n sitting on the floor , her feet were bleeding , I think she stepped on a broken glass . I wanted to assist her but I'm scared she would be angry to see me , I can see her crying ... I don't care if she hates me for now ! With that I carried her up in a bridal style to a convenient store . I put her down on a chair making sure not to hurt her . I bought all the plasters and stuff quickly so her wound wouldn't worsen . Finally I washed her wound put medicine and plastered her feet and she paid me back even though I object she still found a way to stuff it inside my bag ! That clever girl ! She was limping away , I didn't want to see her suffering , my heart will be broken so I knelt in front of her with my back facing her , in another way : offering her a piggy back ride .... I hope she will hop on my back like last time ... From the corner of my eyes I can see her tears forming , no ! Don't cry , my heart will break seeing you like this .....

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