Chap 16

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It's been days since I saw Jimin ... I know I should be happy since it's a chance to avoid him but .... I miss him . What are these feelings ? Missing him and hating him at the same time !! Ugh ! I don't think I will be able to move on . Shit .

I know I shouldn't be doing this , but if I don't , I swear I won't be able to sleep in peace !!!!! I hesitantly pressed the dial button , hoping he would pick up at the same time ... Beep ... Beep ....

He's not answering .

After a few weeks , I became soulless and has no more motivation to go to school . Yoongi will always be there for me but no matter how much he cheers on me , I still feel so empty . I need him .

I went to school as usual and as usual we will have to go seperate ways . I walked down the corridor still deciding to go class or not . Aish whatever . I decided to skip class and went up to the rooftop . I sat down on the floor and feel the cool breeze . Tears start to glide down my cheeks , I looked at the spot and remembered the kiss we shared .

Those moments will never be back right ?

I feel so useless . I've been admiring the scenery for a long while until I feel my phone vibrating . Jen ? "Hello ?" I asked . "Y/n ! Where have you been ?!" She asked hurriedly and worriedly . "What happened ? I'm at the rooftop ." "Jimin's back ." What ? He's back ? No way . "Wait a moment , I'll meet you at the canteen ."

I immediately rushed to where Jen was . I couldn't find her but I saw kris and rushed over there . Jen looked at me worriedly then pointed towards a direction . Taehyung and XiangYi saw me and went to me . "Where were you just now ?" Xiang Yi asked . And I told her everything . Taehyung and Xiang Yi greeted them and introduce themselves and I quickly looked to where Jen pointed just now . My eyes widened , and I ran away .

I bumped into Yoongi on the way , he saw me crying and immediately embraced me in his arms . I laid on his chest , it makes me feel warm but not warm enough .

He caressed my back and asked me what happened . Seeing me in a quiet state he ruffled my hair and say "just cry it all out" I buried my face in his chest and cried . "Let's go to another place" he told me . I just nodded my head silently .

He brought me into a car and I had no idea we were headed to but I just kept quiet because after all , I trust Yoongi .

When we arrived at our destination Yoongi woke me up and I realised I was asleep on his lap . I immediately apologised but he just ruffled my hair and chuckled . He pulled me out of the car . I guess he knew I wanted to relax ?
I inhaled the fresh air and smiled . I won't cry again , at least not because of Jimin .

"Are you okay ?" Yoongi asked me .

"Ya , thanks for bringing me here ." I thanked him sincerely . I don't know why , but everytime I come here , my problems seem to vanish . After Yoongi came and sit beside me my phone rang . Mom ?

"Hello ?" After a few chit chats I hung up , she's coming back after two days . I'll go to the airport to pick her up . I'm so excited . I was so happy I hugged Yoongi and he was shocked at my reaction but laughed in the end .

"You're so happy huh ?" Yoongi asked . "Of course ! It's my momm !!" I hit his arms while saying . "Ok , ok , chill , calm down ." I laughed at him seeing him so afraid . I asked him to company me walk alon the beach and he agreed . Since it wasn't late yet , I decided to play a prank on him .

We walked along the beach slowly and I asked Yoongi to look at something , he was so focused on looking I pushed him into the water . "YAH ! Y/N !!" He got up and tried to bring me to the water himself . He can't catch me but in the end he still overpowers me . He's a guy .

Yoongi laughed evilly while I was brought into the water by him . The moment I got up , I saw his cheeks became pink . But why ? I look at my clothes and notice my uniform is now see through . "YAH ! You pervert !" I scolded him while hitting his arms . "It wasn't me ! It was you ! HAHA !" He stuck his tongue . I kept on hitting his chest so he intertwined his finger with mine but I accidentally tripped backwards and of course Yoongi came down together  since he was holding my hands . "AHHHHH !" I screamed an Yoongi followed . I expect my butt to hurt but instead Yoongi turned us around so he landed butt first on the ground . Ouch ? I was lying on his chest so I wasn't hurt . I slowly raised my head while Yoongi groaned while getting up .

"Yah miss , when did u get so fat ?" He jokingly asked . I laughed and he did too . We raised our heads at the same time and our faces were inches apart , I can feel myself blushing sharing the same air with him , while his hands was at my back holding me tightly from just now . I widened my eyes and immediately got up . "Sorry !" I said . He groaned while getting up "it's ok" he gave me his gummy smile but it wasn't sincere , he's in pain . I immediately got beside him and assist him .

"I'm really really sorry !!!" I was panicking . "I'm fine ." Yoongi said but I was not confronted . I took him to a clinic by calling a taxi . He just got some bruises and a few cuts but I asked him to stay at my house so I can help him apply the medicines , he rejected but seeing me insist , he gave up . Looks like I won !

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