Chap 11

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UGHH I don't feel like going home , at all ! "What about we go to the park ?" I asked Yoongi . "Okay , anything you want ." And we headed off to the park , I'm literally extending the time , I don't even know how to face Jimin , and I don't even want to face him . We sat on the bench and chatted the whole time ... "So it's getting late now , what about I walk you home ? We have school tomorrow remember ?" He elbowed me . "Ahhh ... I can walk home myself ..." I smiled at him to make him relieved so he wouldn't know I was planning to escape from facing Jimin . "No , it's dangerous !" He told me to lead the way . "Ahhh , no ! Ermm ... My house is really messy !" I stretched out my hands to stop Yoongi from walking me home . "Aishhhh , just go , I just want to walk you home , not go into your house !" Oops ! Now my cheeks were flushed red with embarrassment so I had no way but to let him walk me home .

"Why aren't you entering ?" Yoongi asked me . "Uhh , I just wanna thank you ." He chuckled "want to stay over at my place ?" He flashed a smile at me . "YES !" I immediately shouted , "oh sorry , I'll go take my clothes and bag and ... and ... just WAIT !" "Arasseo" he chuckled at my reaction . Luckily Jimin isn't in my house ! And I quickly ran outside . "So is this that Jimin guy's house ?" He pointed at the house beside mine . "No the other one ! Whatever , let's go now !" We were walking to his house since it was just few blocks away ... And I on my phone for after what seemed like a hundred years .
Jimin - 14 missed calls
23 messages
Eomma - 5 missed calls
2 messages

I opened my mailbox :
I'm really sorry
Please come back
Where are you

I ignored his other messages since I know it isn't even sincere , why bother ? So I opened my mom'a messages .

What are you doing ? Have you eaten yet ?
Call me back .

So I decided to ring my mom "y/n ?" "Ya , what's the problem eomma" "yah ! Have you eaten yet ? How are you and Jimin ?" She asked me and when she mention Jimin , I was so disgusted . "Mom we're fine , when are you coming back ?" So basically my mom called to tell me she'll be coming back late for another 2 months ... Life . "Yah , you okay ?" Yoongi asked me , before I could answer we reached at his house . My mouth was opened wide and probably a fly could go in , his house is just so ... Huge ? No .... I don't think that would be enough to describe it , may- "yah , let's go in !" Yoongi elbowed me and interrupted my thoughts . The moment I stepped into his house , I was even breathless , if that would be enough to describe . "C'mon let's go to my room !" He led me up the stairs to his room , there were so many rooms and floors and- "so you're sleeping with me ?" He asked me . "Emm , isn't there any guest room ?" "Of course there is , but nah , it'll be lonely ." Hmm he has a point there . "Ok"

After I washed up , I was thinking if a topic to talk to him . "Hey , let's play video games !" That sounds like a better thing to do . He tossed me a controller while he hold on to one . "Ready ?" "Ya" and we started the game , "yah , that's not fair ! I should have won !!!!!!" I whined like a baby and pouted . "Whatever , nobody can ever beat me ! Want another round ?" "Ugh , fine ! I'm gonna win !"

He opened his eyes wide . "No way , you didn't ." He said "yes I did , you're just lame ." "No I'm not , I-I just went easy on you !" He stuttered . I chuckled "ya right , now let's go sleep ." I looked around his room , except for his king size bed , there's no couch so am I supposed to sleep on the floor ? He laid in his bed comfortably "what are you waiting for ? I thought we're gonna sleep ?" I walked to the side of his bed "yah ! Am I gonna sleep on the floo-" he pulled me into his bed and back hugged me , "just sleep here" his hands were on my waist and luckily I wasn't facing him .... I bet I'm a tomato by now !

"Yah ! Wake up ! I can't believe a girl as flawless as you can sleep like a pig ." I opened my eyes little by little to adjust the brightness "what time is it ?" And I fell back onto the bed and sleep . "You're kidding me" suddenly I was carried up but that doesn't really matter , I just wanna sleep !!!! I was laid down on something hard , hmmm , I guess it's a bathtub ? Wait ! A batht- "MIN YOONGI !!" UGHH that guy ! Luckily I wore a black shirt ! "Too bad , you just won't wake up !" He was laughing so hard , at ME ! I got up and wanted a revenge . I pushed him into the bathtub and splashed water all over him "HAHA ! That's a revenge !" He got up and I start to run around his toilet but I accidentally slipped . I expect my butt to be bruised but instead felt a hand holding onto my waist . "Yah ! You should be careful , do you wanna die so early ?" Our faces were inches away and I could feel his hot breathing on mine which I probably had already blushed and well , I think my heart's gonna jump out any moment .

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