Chap 8

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Y/n's POV
I decided to just hop on Jimin's back since I couldn't go anywhere in this condition . So I'm now on his back . Awkward . "Y/n ?" He called me , "Ya ?" "Can you forgive me ?" He asked me . "Of course ! So we are friends again huh ?" "No ! I mean like let's go back  being a couple ...." Jimin said , I was shocked but NO . "I don't have any reasons to ." He sighed "look y/n I didn't kiss her , she was the one who kissed me ! I would never date somebody who bullies you or even like , I wouldn't even cheat on you !" "I didn't  cheat on you either ! You didn't listen to my explanations !" With that I pouted and hit his back lightly . He chuckled a little , "y/n , I'm sorry , will you forgive me ?" He put me down on a bench and looked into my eyes , it was so sincere , and I said yes . Only if I didn't ... "Really ?!" He asked loudly and jumped around like a kid . "Aishhhh , so embarrassing " with that I started to limp away he caught up an back hugged me "yah ! Don't think about leaving me again !" He then offered me a piggy back ride . We are literally standing outside of our houses now . "So.... Wanna sleepover ?" Jimin asked . "There's no difference , my house is just next to yours ." Since I haven't seem him for so long I almost forgot he was my neighbour ..... "Aishhhh , just go pack your things and come to my house !" Jimin half shaking me said . "Fine I'll tell my mom first !" I half shouted at him . "Hurry !" He pushed me . "I'll go to your house later so wait ! Go back and prepare first Jimin !" I'm getting annoyed . "Okok , see you later ." Then I went in my house while he went in his . "Y/n ?" Mom called me . "Taehyung came just now to find you ." "Oh ok " Taehyung ? Hm ... My mom agreed to let me stay over at Jimin's house since she already know what's going on between us but she warned me not to do those things . EW .
So I went over to Jimin's . "You're here ?!" He was so happy his reaction made me chuckled a little . "Where are you parents ? I have to greet them you know ." "They're overseas let's just go in ." And he pulled me into his house . "So where am I gonna sleep ?" "With me of course !" And he pulled me to his room . "Jimin there's no way I'm gonna share a bed with you ." I told him "come on we did the same last time !!" "It was an accident !" "It's the same !" Jimin walked closer to me his face inches apart , we're sharing the same air , and I can smell what's in his mouth , luckily he brushed his teeth , "you better not talk back princess ." He told me and walked away with me standing still shocked by his actions . I suddenly remembered that Taehyung was looking for me just now so I text him . After awhile my phone beeped signalling a new text , I was expecting Taehyung and indeed it was , <meet me at the park> was what I received , I knew with all my heart which park it was , so I left a note for Jimin since he was still bathing , grabbed my jacket and ran to the park .
I found Taehyung sitting on a bench so I sat down beside him . "What's wrong , were you looking for me , I went out for awhile just now ." Taehyung just looked me in my eyes , oh I know that face , he immediately hugged me and cry .... What's happening ? I pat his back and asked him what happened . "Y/n , I'm gonna stop loving you from now on " he kissed my cheek and walked away "wait ! We're still friends right ?" He turned around to face me "I already missed th chance I being your boyfriend , there's no way I will miss the chance being your special childhood friend ." I smiled and pinched his cheeks "aigoo , so cheesy , how much have you grown ." With that  we bid goodbyes and walk our own ways .
"What did he do ?!" Jimin asked me worriedly once I stepped inside the house . "Don't worry he won't be your rival anymore ." He was confused so I explained it to him while I sat on the sofa to watch tv . He then sat beside me and pulled me closer . "What do you want Jimin ?" "Let's cuddle" I laughed at him then he hugged my waist while resting his chin on my shoulders . Believe me my heart is gonna pop out any minute !!!! I think we accidentally fell asleep ....

The next day
I woke up with Jimin beside me , what a good time . "Pabo , wake up !" I softly shake him "ermmmm .... Just a few more minutes" "my shoulder aches you know !" "Ugh ! Okok " he woke up slowly and went to wash up while I cook him some simple breakfast . "Ooo smells nice !" "Whatever it's my time to wash up ." Then we left for school together , hand in hands .

There is a new student in our class today . Hm . Somebody walked in and it was a girl , she looked .... Pretty ? You can say that , she has a slim figure and well you can say her face is pretty as well . All the guys in class were whispering something except Jimin he looked as if she was nothing , hm . "Hey don't you think she's pretty ?" He cupped his face with his smol hands and look at me "she nothing compared to you ." I elbowed him . The chair beside me was pulled back and I could hear Jimin mumbling something like "Aishhhh ! Destroying our time !" It was the new girl . I introduced me and Jimin to her and she introduce back but I was taken aback cos she weren't acting all flirty and drooling for Jimin . Well , I got to know her name - Xiang Yi . Hm , that's a nice name .

Recess time
We asked Taehyung to join us to lunch and introduced Xiang Yi to him , I could feel he was staring at Xiang Yi the whole time , they would sure make a good couple , then I smirked to Taehyung , I think my smirk brought him back to his senses which made his face blushed , hoho now I know .

After a few weeks
We get to know each other better already , Xiang Yi's personality was great and we often have sleepover with the boys , I was glad she wasn't actually a flirty girl . Ugh I had school today and worst of all I had to stay back to help the teachers clean all the stuffs along with a few students ! I didn't even sleep properly last night ! Jimin wanted to stay with me but I ask him to go since we won't be finishing that fast and after convincing him for like after a million years only he pouts and made his way home after giving me a kiss , I smiled unconsciously :)
It's already 8 something and I texted Jimin I'm going back  . I was walking past the park really sleepily , I can't wait to go home and lie on my bed !!! My eyes were starting to close but I managed to force them open , I tried to distract myself from sleeping by thinking about how to setup Taehyung and Xiang Yi but I was suddenly pulled away , I just followed the stranger cos I was gettin really unconscious ....

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