Chap 10

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- Morning -
"Ermmm ...." I woke up because of the light rays . Jimin wasn't beside me anymore . I thought he went out so I shrugged it off and went to wash up . I went downstairs and saw a well prepared breakfast and was shocked actually , I went closer and saw a note *Eat up , darling ! I'll come home after meeting my old friend -Jimin*. I smiled like a fool at his message , and I took my breakfast to the couch to watch TV .

After a few minutes the door knob twisted and in come Jimin ! I was so happy seeing him when I saw another girl behind him .... "Oh hey y/n ! Here's my old friend ." Jimin told me "I didn't ask , anyways I'm going out." Without finishing the breakfast , I went out since I was already dressed up . I saw the girl smirking at me from the corner of my eyes , how I wish to slap the shit out of her . I went to the park and sit on the bench , deep in thoughts . She's just a friend right ? I shouldn't get angry over such things right ? Am I too overprotective ? After what seemed like 1 hour I made my way home . I opened the door and immediately dropped the food I bought for Jimin , I was in shock by what I just saw . So this isn't my fault , being overprotective was right huh ? He was kissing another girl ! My heart shattered into pieces , I immediately turned away and ran . Jimin heard the food dropped and eventually turned to me shocked . "Y/n !" Too bad , it's over for real this time . I didn't know where to run to , the park will be too easy to find me , so I went to the beach and you guys know where . I sat there flashing back all those happy times with Jimin and I couldn't hold my tears back anymore until I felt a pair of hands on my hand . "Why are you crying ?" This voice sounded so unfamiliar yet so soothing .... I turned around to see a guy I didn't know but I think I saw him before .... "Are you okay ? Hello ? Hello ?" I instantly woke up from my thoughts "oh ya ?" "Why are you even hear at this hour , you might get sunburn ." He told me "what ?" I immediately stood up and rushed to a shelter which is apparently -- a convenient store .... The thought of Jimin bandaging my leg appeared in my mind and I smiled lightly and tears started to form ...

"Hey stop crying , why don't you tell me your problems ?" I breathed in not sure if I should tell him but at the en I let it all out .... "It's okay , you'll be fine , who would want to hurt a pretty girl like you ? Your boyfriend must be dumb !" He hugged me tightly and his statement made me blush and at the same time , I smiled . "Why are you here though ?" I asked him "me ? He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly and chuckled . "It won't hurt to share mister" I told him since I still didn't know his name ... "We'll fine , my girlfriend cheated on me with another guy , and this was the place we first met  .... Funny huh ? We're going through the same things ..." At that moment a girl hurriedly stepped into the convenience store and I saw his face dropped immediately , it was only filled with anger . The girl turned around and saw us "Yoongi ! Pls forgive me ! I didn't me-" he was cut off by this so called Yoongi guy pulling me closer to him and his hands on my shoulders smirking "I already have a girlfriend" the girl was shocked she glared at me , bitch please it wasn't my fault you lose your boyfriend ! I think she wanted to slap me but Yoongi pushed her away forcefully "stop hurting others , you slut !" Yoongi ? I think , scolded her and pulled me out of the store by holding onto my wrist . "Are you okay ? I'm sorry you have to see this scene ..." He told me "it's okay , so you're Yoongi huh ?" I asked him . "Ya .... What bout you ?" "Y/n ." We even exchanged phone numbers ! I'm glad to meet such a guy like him , he's that kind of guy that makes girls fall for him easily , I don't get why her girlfriend would cheat on her ! "Y/n ? Your name sounds so familiar .... Wait ! Aren't you that girl from the class beside mine ?!" He suddenly stated . "What ? We're going to the same school ?!"we looked at each other for a few moments and laughed out loud together . He seemed to make me forget about Jimin for awhile , at least awhile . "I can't believe we are from the same school " I said "I know right , it's so weird ." I chuckled . "C'mon , let's go have some fun at the beach !" And he started dragging me , we almost reached the waves but I hold back "w-wait I didn't bring spare clothes !!" "There's nothing to worry about !" Since I was still refusing to get pushed into water he carried me up bridal style and throw me into the water ! Aish this guy ! It's my turn to play a prank ! I act like I was drowning "Yoon-Yoongi help me !" "Y/n ?! Y/n ?! OMG HOLD ON !!!" He immediately swam over to me and I put my hands around his neck and tighten them "gotcha !" He blinked his eyes for a moment until he know he was pranked , "yah ! How dare you !" And the whole day was only me and him . "Now what , i don have spare clothes !" It told him after we had enough fun . "Don't worry , you can wear mine ." I was shocked at his words but he's got a point , anyways I like oversized shirts . So after we changed he bought me to a fast food shop , my favourite . And .... It's time to go home ...

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