Chap 21

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"Knock knock"
"XiangYi ... you hear that ?" I asked silently . "I'm not deaf" XiangYi answered . Fine . XiangYi was about to go open the door but I pulled her back . "NO ! What if is a ghost ?!" I whisper-shouted . "Ghosts don't knock" fine . She win .

XiangYi opened the door and standing there was Jimin ... WHAT ?! OH SHIT ! I immediately hide inside my covers and act like I was sleeping . XiangYi was annoyed with Jimin but she couldn't just ask him to go away so she let him in .

XiangYi's POV
"Y/n Jimi-" does she really think people are stupid enough to not know she's fake sleeping ? She's pure dumb . Gosh . I pulled her covers away and she shut her eyes even tighter . "Jimin's here , wake up !" She still won't bulge .

"Here , let me do it ." Jimin said . I nodded and said I will leave them alone and went out .

Y/n's POV
She's seriously such a betrayer ! God help me !!! I swear I will have my revenge . "Y/n-ah~" Jimin called . He put his hands on my cheeks . "Wake up~" he called again . "Pabo-yah~" This reminds me of the old times ..... when he was still deeply in love with me . I held my tears in , I can't be weak infront of him . Besides , he already has a girlfriend who is way prettier than me .

"I'm sorry y/n-ah , please forgive me , I was angry that day ." He patted my head while saying . I opened my eyes slowly and act like i just woke up . I smiled slightly at him and said "it's ok , I'm not angry anymore" . I got up from my bed because I'm thirsty from all that faking . I got up but I forgot my ankle was still in pain , I lost my balance and fell . But before i could Jimin's hands wrapped my waist and he  pushed my back  into his embrace and I was sitting on his lap .

I can hear his heartbeat , it was fast . He pat my head "are you okay ?" he asked softly like I was the most precious thing he ever had . I nodded my head . I want to stay in this moment forever but I just won't get his girlfriend out of my mind so I pushed him away .

I struggled to get my water "let me help you" Jimin offered . "No , I can do it myself" I answered coldly . Why does he keep making my heart flutter ? He got up to help me get the water but the door suddenly opened with a loud bam . Yoongi ....

"Yah ! What are u doing here ? Jerk !" He scold Jimin and rushed to my side holding my arms . His eyes were filled with anger . "He's just here to help ... chill Yoongi" I said . "HELP ? DIDN'T YOU HEAR WHAT HE SAID JUST NOW ? HE DOESN'T KNOW US !" Yoongi shouted angrily . I looked down not knowing what to say ... what Yoongi said was right ....

"I didn't mean to , I can explain , sh-" Jimin was cut off by Yoongi . "We don't need your bullshits , y/n let's go !" I don't dare to oppose , Yoongi wasn't in a good mood .

"Your girlfriend must be worried , go to her ." I said and followed Yoongi .

Jimin's POV
Girlfriend ? "NO ! SHE'S NO-" I wanted to explain but she already went away . Why won't she trust me ? It must be because of that Yoongi . Doesn't he know y/n is mine ?! His existence is just so frustrating !

I went back to my own room and text y/n . I kept in waiting but she never replies ..... I heard someone pressed the doorbell of my room . It must be y/n ! I opened the door with a huge smile on my face but my smile immediately faded when I saw who exactly was at the door . Taeyeon ...

"Oppa !" Oh not again ! That sound just creeps me out ! Would she just stop the oppa thing . I secretly rolled my eyes at her . "Oppa !!" I turned to look at her , "oppa which school do you attend ??" She asked while acting cute . "XXX school" I answered , why is she even interested . "Really ?? I'm transferring there next month which is after the holidays !!!" What ? This time I had enough ! She looked pretty but I never expected her to be so annoying !

"Did you purposely transfer there ?!" I asked angrily . "No ! Oppa ! My dad wanted me to go to a better school . That's why !" She answered , but I have a feeling to not trust her ..... Taeyeon wanted to go eat dinner with me , gosh am I her personal companion ? UGH .

She held on to my arms while we walked out of our hotel room and I just made a disgusted face while she wasn't looking . But unfortunately ... y/n and along with her friends was standing outside too . Y/n was smiling while talking to Yoongi but her eyes widen when she saw me and Taeyeon walk out of a hotel room together . Oh shit please tell me she didn't misunderstood .

Yoongi pulled y/n away and the others followed . Aish ! Fuck this . Taeyeon brought me to a fast food restaurant . Seriously ? She pulled me in while talking loudly , gosh so embarrassing . "Oppa ! Let's get this set !" Why is she so loud !!!! UGH . i let her order and turned around to look at the enviroment . I think i found out why she was being so loud .

I saw them sitting at a corner talking and smiling . They didn't seem to notice Taeyeon and me . I saw then feeding each other foods and play games . How I wish I was there too ... "Oppa ! I got our food ! Let's go sit !" This time y/n seemed to noticed us . Taeyeon wanted to sit at the table next to y/n's but I went over to their table .

"They're my friends ." I said hoping she would shut up . "Oppa ! Why didn't you tell me earlier ?" She pouted and act cute but she wasn't a little bit cute . Ew . They looked at me weirdly but didn't say anything and I joined them at the table . Yoongi was sitting across y/n while Taehyung was sitting across Xiangyi .

I decided to sit beside Yoongi  since it was like a girls and boys side but Taeyeon just sit beside Yoongi before I could . Xiangyi and y/n was so annoyed . So I was forced to sit beside y/n . Yoongi wasn't happy ..

Y/n's POV
What is he doing ?! I eat my food quietly . That Taeyeon is so annoying does she have to go and flirt with every guy ? She turned to look at Yoongi . "Oppa ! Are you studying at XXX school too ?" What ? Oppa ? She just knew him for a few minutes . Is this a joke ? I can't believe this . Yoongi rolled his eyes and moved closer to Taehyung . He didn't even answer . I looked at Yoongi and he smiled at me . It's nice to have a friend like him ...

"Oppa !" Oh god ! "Ahhhhhh" she tooked a fry and signalled Jimin that she wants to feed him . I saw her grin evilly at me . Is she trying to get Jimin ? "I have my own fries" Jimin replied . I was shocked but almost burst out laughing , the others too . Taeyeon was so annoyed . "I need to go to the toilet ." I told them before I went away and Xiangyi accompanied me .

We were both washing our hands while talking about random stuffs when Taeyeon came in . Ugh . She walked beside me and took out her makeup pouch . She applied lipstick on her lips and said to me . "Don't even think about getting close to Jimin , he's mine ." Then she walked into one of the cubucles . Hers ? As if !

"What's wrong with her ?" Xiangyi asked , obviously disgusted . I just shrugged and we walked out together . And we don't even care .

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