Chap 19

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Jimin's POV
I'm sitting at the back of the plane which was Yoongi's seat , that guy just annoys me . Looks like I'm gonna be alone now . I thought so , until a girl came up to me . Oh her seat was me next to mine . She looked .... pretty I guess . So since I'm boring ... it wouldn't hurt to talk to her right ?

"Hey" I said nervously wondering if she would answer me . She turned around shyly "ermm ... hey ?" Woah , she actually answered me ! "So you're going to Maldives too ?" I nod my head as a yes . "Are you alone ?" She continued to ask . How should I answer this ....

"Ya" I answered . "You ?" I asked again . "I'm here with my friends ." She answered . "What about your boyfriend ?"

"I don't have one ." I almost jumped in happiness , she don't have a boyfriend ! What ? She's so pretty ! "Oh ..." I answered calmly . "So what's your name ?" I asked . "Taeyeon , you ?" And she held her hand out to hav a hand shake . "Jimin , Park Jimin ." I answered . "Nice to meet you ." She said and flashed a smile . Gosh . Cute .

Y/n's POV
I was tired of sitting so I got up and went to the toilet . As I was walking towards the toilet I saw Jimin , and a girl was sleeping on his shoulders , he didn't even spare me a glance . I walked faster into the toilet , there were people lining up so I had to wait .

Once I got into the toilet , I burst into tears . Does he have to do this to me ? He cheated on me , it was just to let him realise that he was the one who was wrong ! I knew i said i won't cry for him , again , but how could i not ? The one i love , doesn't love me anymore .

I washed my face and tried holding my tears . This time , i didn't even spare a glance at Jimin , so i won't cry .

"Where were you ?" A sleepy Yoongi asked . To be honest , he's really cute tho . "Erm ... the toilet ." I answered trying not to remember what i saw . "Why are your eyes red ?" His question fired at me . "I.... I just woke up ." He looked at me for awhile and just went back to sleep .

Yoongi's POV
Why was she lying ? I woke up and saw her not by my side , as i was worried i almost went to find her but then i saw her staring at the place i was supposed to sit . Why does she have to lie ? Why can't she just give up on that jerk and come to me ? I held my tears in , i can let her know .

Y/n's POV
What happened to Yoongi ? He seems ..... upset ? But why , he was happy just now . Since we were landing I woke Yoongi up . "Eo ? What happened , Yoongi-ah ." He rubbed his eyes and said he was tired . Should i believe him ? I pat his back then got up to get our things .

I wasn't high enough so i tiptoed but i wasn't balanced enough . Just as i was reaching for our bags some guy behind bumped into me causing me to stumble back . I though i was gonna hit the ground but Yoongi caught hold of my waist . He looked at me worriedly and i just chuckled lightly .

"Yah ! It's not funny ! What if you really fall ?!" He hit my head lightly while lecturing me . I saw Jimin staring at us from behind but i just ignored it . Yoongi helped me grab our bags while holding onto me , "just ask me to do it next time !" and i just laughed .

We walked out of the plane since there were so many people XiangYi and Taehyung followed us from behind . We went to find our luggages at the conveyor belt . I saw Jimin talking with the girl from the plane , he was smiling so widely . Looks like he found someone better than me . I didn't want to interrupt them so we just went away to eat .

After we arrived at the beach view hotel I was amazed . All my frustrations seems to have gone away .  I loved the beach ever since I was young . I could live here forever !

"Yah , go settle your things and change to beach clothes ." Yoongi told me .  "We're going to the beach ?" I asked excitedly almost jumping . "Are you dumb ?" Then i eyed Yoongi annoyingly . Taehyung and Xiangyi stayed in the same room and Yoongi has a room alone . I was supposed to be staying with Jimin but i booked a room secretly for myself .

After a few minutes we were done and we went to the beach . Weird . I still havent see Jimin around .


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