Chapter 4: Arrival at Beacon.

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- Ryu

The moment that the aircrafts touched down at the landing platforms of Beacon, most, if not all of the students raced towards the exit to see up close and personal, the school they would be attending for the next few years. Needless to say I was excited as well, though, I did have other things weighing on my mind at the moment. For example, the air sick blondey that threw up earlier? Threw up all over my shoes. As soon as I got the chance I discarded them in the nearest waste bin. The two girls on the other hand, well, looking from where I was (next to the bin), the scythe girl seemed to be enjoying herself a little too much while the blonde girl disappeared with a bunch of what I assume were her friends. Oh? Pfft, looks like scythe girl just fell over someone's luggage. That's a lot of luggage...

[Girl] "what are you doing!?"
[S girl] "uh, sorry"
[Girl] "Sorry!? Do you have any idea of the damage you have caused?"

S girl picked up a case off the ground.

[S girl] "uuhhh..."
[Girl] "Give me that!"

The girl snatched the case from the s girls hands and opened it to reveal what looks like an extremely expensive amount of dust. Who is this girl?

[Girl] "this is dust mined and purified from the schnee quarry!"
[S girl] "uuuhhh..."
[Girl] "what are you, brain dead?"

After insulting S girl even further she held out a vial of red dust, shutting her case afterwards.

[Girl] "Dust! Fire, water, lightning, energy!"
[S girl] "I.. I know... *cough* *cough*"

The girl was shaking the vial so much in front of s girls face that it was causing her to cough. I think I know what's going to happen next.

[Girl] "are you even listening to me? Is any of this sinking in? What do you have to say for yourself?"


S girl, who had been continuously sprayed with dust in her face, finally sneezed, causing an explosion of flame, snow and electricity centred around the dust girl.

[Girl] "unbelievable! This is exactly the kind of thing I was talking about!"

The s girl looked extremely sorry for what had happened and pretty much conveyed that in her words.

[S girl] "I'm really, really sorry!"
[Girl] "Ugh, you complete dolt! What are you even doing here? Aren't you a little young to be attending Beacon?"
[S girl] "well I-I..."
[Girl] "this isn't your ordinary combat school. It's not just sparring and practice, you know! We're here to fight monsters, so... watch where you're going!"
[Ryu] "okay, I think that's enough don't you think? She said she's sorry, there's no need to behave like a spoilt princess."
[???] "It's heiress, actually.

Huh? Who's this? A black haired girl dressed in black with a bow on her head... I can feel quite a few negative emotions from her. Not hate but, pain? The other two girls looked over at her as well.

[Bow girl] "Weiss schnee, heiress to the schnee dust company. One of the largest producers of energy propellant in the world."

The girl who'd been named Weiss had a smug smile on her face.

[Weiss] "finally! Some recognition!"
[Bow girl] "the same company infamous for its controversial labor forces and questionable business partners."

Weiss didn't seem to like that. But the scythe girl on the other hand, was chuckling.

[Weiss] "Wha- How dare you- the nerve of- ...ugh!"

She walked up to the bow girl, getting up in her face and taking the bottle from her hands, leaving the area in a huff.

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