Chapter 11: Problems sorted

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The creature began walking out of its cage, revealing the Grimm to be a boarbatusk. It growled at the sight of me as it slowly seemed to be eyeing me up and down.

[Yang] "Gooo Ryu!"
[Blake] "fight well!"
[Ruby] "Yeah, represent teeeeam Rrwby!"
[Weiss] "*scoffs*"

Seems like Weiss really doesn't like me... *sigh* at least the others seem to be rooting for me.

Professor port brings his weapon to face the ceiling.

[Port] "alllllright! Let the match..... Begin!"

He fires off his weapon and the startle Boarbatusk charges forwards to which I dive out of the way, leaving it skidding across the floor as it tries to turn around. It gathers itself up for another attempt at charging towards me, I dodge again, trying to think of a way to deal with it without revealing my abilities to the whole of Beacon.

"What are you afraid of? Just give it a good kick to the head"

The voice I was hearing was different to the last one I heard in my dreams. This one was male, booming, it sounded like my fathers voice. I decided to follow the advice of the familiar sounding voice in my head, delivering a hard round house kick with my uniformed shoes, straight to the side of the Grimms head.

[Student] "whoa!"
[Port] "I see, you used your aura to increase your strength.."

I did? Wait, that sounds like it would be a good explanation. Thanks for thinking out loud professor port. Now, let's see if I can do this.

[Ruby] "Go for its belly! It's got no armour there!"
[Ryu] "Thanks Ruby!"

Right, I focused on bringing out my aura, the black light encompassed my body. I then focused on using it to increase my physical strength, I felt legitimately stronger as I did so.

The Grimm charged once more, its cracked skull giving evidence that a non-powered up kick could do some damage. I stepped to the side and delivered a powerful blow to its side with my foot: kicking it like a ball. Following up, I ran up to it, jumped into the air and brought my foot down upon its stomach, effectively penetrating its body with my foot, killing it. The only problem now is... yep, the smoke is being absorbed by my body.

[Port] "Ryu... was it? What just happened?"
[Ryu] "I..."
[Blake] "it's his semblance sir."
[Port] "oh?"
[Yang] "yeah, it uhh.."
[Weiss] "*sigh* it causes Grimm to dissipate immediately."
[Port] "interesting, though how do you explain the smoke being brought into his body?"
[Weiss] "an optical illusion brought about by the similar colours of the smoke and his aura as he turned it off."
[Port] "hm, well I suppose that's an alright explanation. Very well, you may take your seat now Mr..."
[Ryu] "just Ryu"
[Port] "very well Ryu, you may take your seat"
[Ryu] "thank you."

The sound of a bell ringing fills the classroom.

[Port] "oh, it appears that is all we have time for today, be sure to cover the assigned readings... and stay vigilant! Class dismissed."

I walk over to Weiss figuring I should thank her for helping me there.

[Ryu] "hey Weiss, thanks for before, you really helped bail me out."
[Weiss] "just hurry up and get a weapon already so this doesn't happen again. I swear, you and Ruby are both just so.. ugh, how did children like you two even get accepted.

She glares at me, then Ruby before finally storming out of the classroom. In the background I could hear Jaune make a comment.

[Jaune] "sheesh, what's with her?"

The remaining members of our team look at each other with the same question. Ruby then races out of the classroom, probably to try and catch up to Weiss.

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