Chapter 7: Initiation part 2

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Flying across the skies, I wonder if this is how father once felt. Those massive wings of his can't have just been for show.

I'm starting to descend but due to the downwards momentum I seem to be picking up speed. I'm going at a velocity that would most likely kill me if I don't do something. What to do? What to do? Is there anyone nearby?

Closing my eyes, I focus my senses, mostly, my, what could be considered sixth sense of feeling negative emotions. ...nothing nearby, alright then, let's do this.

Concentrating hard as I plummeted towards the the ground below, I thought about my father, his wings. As i did, just before I hit the ground, a large black wing sprouted instantly from my back allowing me to glide for a short while just above the ground, coming to a stop via a rather non-graceful landing, as I tumbled across the forest grown finally being stopped by a large tree trunk.

[Ryu] "ouch~"

Patting down my body I searched for any serious injuries. Luckily, me and my aura are made of some pretty sturdy stuff it seems. Now then, I suppose I should start looking for those chess pieces.

I made my way through the forest finding nothing but green as I actively avoided any negative emotions I could feel getting close. Most of which ended up being Grimm but I did see a few people who had already grouped up. How unlucky am I that I haven't found anyone by themselves yet?

- a few minutes later


What? I can hear someone screaming.

"Someone! Help!"

Who? Oh, I see them. A guy with brown hair and a relatively large build. He's being chased by... a king taijitu!?

[Ryu] "hold on!"

I jump down from the tree branch I was standing on, placing myself in between the two headed snake Grimm and the Guy.

[Ryu] "keep running!"

Looks like I didn't need to worry about that, the guy kept running without stopping. I guess that's good. I don't really want him to see what happens next. Looking back toward the Grimm I decided to try something.

[Ryu] "stop!"
SsStupid human thinks we'll lissssten."
[Ryu] "hey now, I resent that. Im not as stupid as you think!"
"... what? It can undersssstand ussss?"
[Ryu] "I can! I am the son of the late Ryusan! My name is Ryu! Please, turn around and leave!"
"You claim to be child of Grimm? What proof do you have?"
[Ryu] "I'll show you."

I hold out my right arm to the side as it becomes cloaked in a black substance. The substance altered the shape of my arm to become more beast-like, more, Beowulf-like. Once the black substance had stopped moving, white, bone-like plating appeared over it, red markings covering each one. My right now looked identical to that of a Grimm.

"Interesssssting. How did you come to have sssssuch a unique ability?"
[Ryu] "my father taught it to me before he died."
"So it'sssss true? Ryusan is dead... in that case.. killing his son would be the next, best, thing!"
[Ryu] "what!?"

The white head of the Grimm leapt out at me, striking the ground as I leapt above it's outstretched head. Unfortunately, this was a bad decision as the other head came at me while I had nowhere to dodge. "I should really stop leaping" was the thought that ran through my head as our bodies collided, sending me through some trees as I barrelled through the forest. Getting up, I found myself in the middle of an open field of grass, with the king taijitu closing in. Damn, alright, I suppose I'll just go on the offensive then. Clenching my fist tightly, I knew exactly what to do. I was taught by a Grimm after all. As the king taijitu rushed forward, so did I. Its mouth wide open with the aim of swallowing me whole. That's fine though, it's exactly what I needed. As I ran, I coated my left arm in the same substance as my right, giving me the appearance and, reality, of having two Grimm arms. Continuing to race forward I passed in between the two striking heads, though, not before grabbing a hold of a tooth in each hand. Ripping the teeth from their mouths I kept running. I ran until I was just past their tail and, as they were still writhing in pain from losing their teeth just moments before, I was able to complete my plan without a hitch, leaping up the long bodies and impaling the white head with its own tooth. It died immediately and now, the black head had to contend with me, and its lifeless counterpart. I dodged to the side as the head came for me, bearing its remaining fangs. It gave one more attempt at striking me with a frontal attack however this time, since it didn't have another head, I was able to jump above it without having to worry about being swatted away, bringing down the tooth on its head and ending its life once and for all.

I made the Grimm cloak dissipate, leaving me looking just like normal, however exhausted I may be.

As I laid on the grassy plain, the smoke created by the king taijitu's massive, dissolving body began to flock towards me.

[Ryu] "ahhh, so it's this again..."

I could feel the smoke entering my body, making me stronger, but this time, I could feel my head sting slightly. When that ceased, my eyes started to feel like they were burning. Damn, that was a little painful. Wonder what caused that?


The bushes in the distance were rustling. Something's there but, there aren't enough negative emotions coming from it to be a Grimm. Sitting up I looked over to it, to see the Guy from before appear, followed by three other guys I didn't recognise.

"Hey... did you kill it?"
[Ryu] "yeah..."
"That's amazing..."
[Ryu] "not really, I was just lucky that it underestimated me."
"That so? My names Cardin by the way"

The brown haired guy wearing armour said.


In order of introduction; Russel was the one with a light green Mohawk and easy to move in green clothing. Dove was the one with dirty blonde hair and bronze-looking armour and Sky was the one with longer, dark grey/blue hair.

[Ryu] "Ryu"
[Cardin] "good to meet you Ryu."
[Ryu] "likewise. Hey, do you mind if I ask you a question?"
[Cardin] "go right ahead"
[Ryu] "thanks. Do you know where the ruins with the relics are? I haven't been able to find them."
[Dove] "yeah, just keep going down that way and you'll make it there eventually."

He pointed to the west as I was facing the south. Hmm. These guys have quite a few negative emotions but they don't seem like bad people. It's a shame they've already got four people.

[Ryu] "thanks guys!"

I waved behind my back after getting up and running of in the direction I was told.

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