Chapter 5: Arrival at Beacon part 2

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Haaah~ we made it to the auditorium just in time. The place is already filled to the brim with new students as far as the eye can see.

[Blonde] "Ruby! Over here! I saved you a spot!"

The blonde from earlier was waving at Ruby. Ruby turned towards us with an apologetic look on her face.

[Ruby] hey, I-I gotta go! I'll see you after the ceremony!"
[Jaune] "hey! Wait!.. great, where are we supposed to find another nice, quirky girl to talk to?! Wait, Ryu? Where'd you go!?"

Sorry Jaune, I'll talk to you later. Right now I'm more interested in exploring the place and finding out what other kind of people gathered here.

I could see all kinds of Faunus around the place. That's good, looks like this place isn't cruel to Faunus at least.

"Hahaha, look at her ears! How weird is that!"

Never mind, looks like there are still some people here with no idea how to act in public. It's fine if you've got something against another person but a whole race? That I'll never understand. I mean, if a person with brown hair did something really bad to you, you wouldn't just immediately hate all people with brown hair, right? If you did... that's a lot of hate, and not someone I want to be around.

"Hey, you seem pretty young to be a student here aintcha?"
[Ryu] "who?"
[girl] Name's Nora, this is Ren. Say hi ren!"
[Ren] "hi"
[Nora] "sooooo... you like pancakes?"

This ginger girl dressed in pink and white... she's so energetic. Completely contrast to the boy dressed in green with a pink streak in his hair. Hold on, what did she ask me?

[Ryu] "um, what's a pancake?"
[Nora] "..."

She looked at me with a dumbfounded expression as if her entire work had just crumbled.

[Nora] "Oh. My. God! Reeeeennnnn! Emergency!"
[Ren] "what?"
[Nora] "this guys never eaten pancakes!"
[Ren] "so?"
[Ren] "So that's like a crime against nature! We need pancakes, stat!"
[Ren] "calm down. You can eat later, did you even get his name?"
[Nora] "eh? Oh... I should go do that!"

I put my hand out in front me to try to get her to stop bouncing all over the place but she just high fives it with a force I didn't think could come from someone with her body. Just what kind of training do these people do?

[Ryu] "my names Ryu, nice to meet you."
[Ren] "like the dragon?"
[Ryu] "yeah, like the dragon."
[Nora] "that's so coool! Uh, Ryu? Why aren't you wearing any shoes?"
[Ryu] "....don't ask."

As Nora kept jumping around and Ren, uh, stood there, professor Ozpin had sauntered up onto the stage, preparing the microphone with Glynda beside him.

[Ozpin] "I'll... keep this brief. You have traveled here today in search of knowledge, to hone your craft and acquire new skills, and when you have finished, you plan to dedicate your life to the protection of the people. But I look amongst you, and all I see is wasted energy, in need of purpose, direction. You assume knowledge will free you of this, but your time at this school will prove that knowledge can only carry you so far. It is up to you to take the first step."

A pretty short speech but a good one nonetheless. As Ozpin left the stage, Glynda stepped up to the microphone.

[Glynda] "You will gather in the ballroom tonight; tomorrow, your initiation begins. Be ready. You are dismissed."

The gathering of students began to disperse as Glynda left the stage, following behind Ozpin.


*yawn* I didn't really get much of a chance to look around before night fell, plus, no chance to talk to Ruby again since I ended up getting dragged around by Nora, the same as Ren. I wonder if it felt good for him to have someone else to share the pain? Well, she's not a bad person; maybe a little erratic but a good person nonetheless. She seems to like pancakes and honestly, I can't blame her. Those things are tasty!"

Now, I find myself sitting in the ballroom with Jaune to one side and Ren on the other with Nora text to him.

[Jaune] "hey, Ryu?"
[Ryu] "yeah?"
[Jaune] "I know you're younger than me but... do you know any way to get a girls attention?"
[Ryu] "...I don't.. I don't have a clue."
[Jaune] "ah, right, thanks anyways."
[Ryu] "anytime, I guess..."

- Ruby

[Ruby] "Shut up! I didn't get to take my friends with me to school! It's weird not knowing anyone here!"

My sister, yang xiao-long was looking at me with a cheeky smile on her face.

[Yang] "What about Jaune? He's....nice! There you go! Plus one friend! And then there's also the guy your age, what was his name?"
[Ruby] "Ryu.."
[Yang] "there you go! That's a 200% increase!"
[Ruby] "pretty sure Weiss counts as a negative friend, so, I'm still not doing to great on that end."
[Yang] "there's no such thing as negative friends! You just made two friends and one enemy!"

She threw her pillow at me, hitting me in the face and causing me to stumble back a bit.

[Yang] "you have more friends than enemies and I'm sure there are more just around the corner! You just have to meet them!"

- Ryu

The girls are being noisy at the other side of the ballroom. What I'm the world could they be talking about that they would be so loud.

Well, about 2 hours later and everyone's sound asleep. That is, besides me. It's hard to get to sleep with Nora snoring and Jaune continuously kicking me while sleeping restlessly. I need some air.

I stood up, put on my jacket and headed outside. After a while I noticed that I had walked all the way out to the edge of the academy. Looking out over the area below, the wide, ever expanding landscape made me a little homesick. *sigh* if I'm going to make it through my time here, I'm going to need a weapon huh? I have no idea what I should be doing. Father... I think I'm in way over my head.

- Bow girl

Hm? Who's that? A black haired boy was stirring from between the blonde guy and the quiet guy. As he was moving across the room, his red eyes seemed to glow in the darkness. The feeling he's giving off, it doesn't feel right, I suppose I'll follow him.

After following him for a while, he ended up at the outskirts of the academy. Is he meeting with someone? Getting into a position I could see better by a tree, I became able to see his face clearly.
It was, sad? He had a look on his face as if he was longing for something that had been gone for a while, something important.

[Boy] "I know you're there."

What? No, maybe he's not talking about me, maybe someone else is here.

[boy] "behind the tree."

Ah, he is talking about me...

[Bow girl] "what are you doing out here?"
[boy] "I could ask you the same thing couldn't I?"
[Bow girl] "that.."
[boy] "I needed some air. Jaune kept kicking me in his sleep and Nora's snoring was worse than my fathers."
[Bow girl] "I-I see."
[boy] "my name's Ryu by the way. What's yours?"
[Bow girl] "Blake, Blake Belladona."
[Ryu] "that's a nice name."
[Blake] "wha- you- thanks.."
[Ryu] "no worries. Well, I'm going to head back to the ballroom now, try and get some sleep. We've got a big day ahead of us tomorrow"
[Blake] "right"

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