Chapter 18: Shared feelings.

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[Glynda] "now then. Who feels like they would like to get up on stage and try their hands at sparring match?"
[Yang] "I do! Pick me!"
[Glynda] "miss Xiao Long.. alright. Does anybody wish to spar her?"
[Yang] "Ryu does!"
[Ryu] "huh?"
[Glynda] "Ryu?"

It's been three days since I tried to leave and no one has let me live it down yet. Especially Yang. Weiss gave me a extra long scolding, Jaune told me he was there if I needed to talk, Ren and Blake simply said it was good to have me back, Nora threatened to break my legs if I did something like that again and Pyrrha just smiled when she saw me. I guess the ones who took it the worst were Yang, who's raring to go on stage and Ruby, who won't let me out of her sight.

Now I have to deal with an angry Yang that already has her semblance activated. Oh well, I suppose she did say she'd hurt me if I hurt her sister. Guess I had this coming. I smirk as I stand up and start walking to the stage.

[Ryu] "ok, I'll participate."
[Yang] "I'm gonna wipe that smirk right of your face!"
[Ryu] "looking forward to it."

I unsheathed my blade and check to make sure there is some dust still stored inside, which there is. I turn to face Yang who punches her fists together.

[Glynda] "make sure your aura is activated"

Yangs blazing, yellow aura lights up as I activate my dark, black aura.

[Glynda] "Begin!"

Yang charges at me the second Goodwitch stops speaking, using her shotgun gauntlets to give her more speed as she charged. Running in a straight line like that, I can dodge it easily but, let's take it head on just this once.

Her fist collides with my face sending me careening into the wall, indenting the hard surface with the back of my head.

[Yang] "you didn't dodge?"
[Ryu] "*getting out of the wall* figured I owed you one for everything. So now I'm really gonna try."
[Yang] "heh, now you're just asking for a pummelling!"

Yang launched a few consecutive shots from her gauntlets while I activated the dust in my Dragons Fang. Frost emanated from the blade as I twirled it for a moment then jammed the end into the ground, creating a thick ice wall in front of me, blocking every blast. Unfortunately that didn't really accomplish much other than forcing a close range fight as Yang leapt over the ice wall, aiming blow after blow at me while I partied each one with my blade. Blasts and punches hauled down on me as I barely kept up, unable to counterattack. Right now though, I'm only using one hand to wield my sword, leaving the other hand free so I concentrate my aura into my free left hand and give a heavy palm thrust to Yangs partially exposed midriff causing her to fly backwards giving me a small amount of time to catch my breath. I sheath my sword and press the switch to transform it into a railgun. I can hear people in the audience gasp at the unfamiliar weaponry. I get ready to fire, waiting for Yang to start running towards me again and as her body is almost touching the "barrel" of the my weapon, I fire, letting loose every bit of power it has and turning most of the stage and Yang into a ginormous popsicle. I'm not done yet though. I switch my weapon back to blade form and take out a white vial of dust and inserting in place of the empty vial I'd just completely used up. Now all I have to do is wait a few seconds aaaaand there we go, the ice is starting to crack. Once the ice completely breaks and yang is free, I use the air dust to create a whirlwind of sorts. Trapping yang and a plethora of ice shards within it.

[Glynda] "that's enough"

I quell the wind I'd whipped up and switched my aura off but it seems yang missed the memo since as soon as I had done so, she punched me square in the face as hard as she could.

[Glynda] "Miss Xiao Long I said that's enough!"
[Yang] "wha? Oh crap baskets..."

I started standing up again with a little help from a few other students.

[Ryu] "it's okay Yang... I might just go lie down for a minute or two... or three *as he's walking out of the classroom* or a few hundred..."
[Glynda] "*Sigh* Team Rrwby? Perhaps you'd like to go and make sure your teammate doesn't have a serious concussion?
[Rwby] "Right! Sorry!"
[Glynda] "I swear those five..."


[Ryu] "ooooh, hello mister birrrdy"

I stumbled around the halls searching for the Med bay until a small bird caught my slightly injured interest.

[Weiss] "oh god... look what you've done Yang, you've made him into even more of a dunce."
[Yang] "I didn't mean to! I thought we were still fighting...."
[Blake] "should we... help him?"
[Ruby] "I don't know... Damn I forgot my camera!.... *sigh* yeah let's get him to the med bay."
[Ryu] "hm? Oh hi guys! How're you doing?"
[Yang] "We're fine. Why don't we get you looked after."

- 3rd person

We arrived at the med bay and the four girls made sure Ryu was safely lying down in the bed without the possibility of falling out.

[Weiss] "alright, guess we'd better get back to class then."
[Ruby] "you guys go on ahead, I'm gonna wait here for a bit."
[Blake] "suit yourself"

The three girls "left" leaving only Ryu and Ruby in the room together.

[Ryu] "hey Ruby?"
[Ruby] "Yeah Ryu?"
[Ryu] "why'd you stop me?"
[Ruby] "what?"
[Ryu] "why?... if you'd just let me go... you wouldn't have to be in danger.."
[Ruby] "what are you talking about? The stuff Pyrrha told us, while most of it did go over my head... it sounds like we'd have eventually had to go up against these guys anyway. And besides, hunters and huntresses are here to make it so that people can live happily. What's the point of doing that if you can't find happiness yourself?"
[Ryu] "....this... may be the concussion talking... but...*grabs Ruby's hand*... I love you."
[Ruby] "I-.. I love you too.."


Meanwhile, the three girls who had supposedly left but where instead eavesdropping with their ears pressed firmly against the door were listening intently.

[Weiss] "*cheeks blush red* this-this isn't fair... why is she the first one to get a boyfriend..."
[Yang] "speak for yourself princess. But... *sigh* he's gonna end up with more than a concussion next time if he tries anything now that he's gone and done that."
[Blake] "....*looks between her book and the direction of Ruby and Ryu multiple times before blushing slightly*..."

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