Chapter 17: Family

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What? Where am I? Everything's... dark. Nothing but blackness. I looked down as I heard the sound of water at my feet only to see my reflection in the black water.

"Ryu? Nice name, but it's not yours."
"What? Who?"
"My name is Sol. As for what I am... well, why don't you take a look and decided for yourself?"

I jutted my head from side to side looking around for the owner of the strangely familiar yet unfamiliar voice.

"Behind you."

I turned, the shock I felt at the sight in front me was almost enough to knock me off my feet. The one standing in front of me was... me? But, not me... the sclera of his eyes were an abyssal black, his skin was even whiter than mine as was his hair and his face had strange, red, vein-like things all across it. I unconsciously took a step back as if ready to run but to where? I don't know where I am or what's going on.

"Relax. You're with a friend."
"Wha-wh-you... what...?"
"You seriously can't tell just from looking? I'm what you can be, what you should be, what you will be."
"You. Are you the one that's been talking to me in my head? Are there more of you? What the hell is going on!?"
"There are more but there is one."
"What!? That makes no sense!"
"Every time! Every Grimm you slay! Their Essence, their feelings, their thoughts, their power! Is all granted to you. I am your Grimm future."
"You' future? That- I don't want that!"
"Selfish. After everything your mother and father have done for you, you would toss it all away?"
"I only had a father! His name was, is Ryusan!"
"No. In a way.. he was more like a brother to you."
"You're mother. The one who controls the Grimm. Speaks to them. Creates them. The one you inherited those abilities from. Don't you think you owe it, if not to her then to yourself to at least meet her? Come on, it's time for you to leave these children behind and be with your family."
" shove it."
"*angrily* what was that?"
"You said you're the result of me absorbing the Grimm I killed? Then that means your a part of me and I can't exactly get rid of you. But don't think for a second, that I'll go to meet this person you call my mother. My family, consists of the people at Beacon! I won't let you, or anyone else hurt them!"
"You're a fool. Mother already knows where you are. If you don't accept my proposal... a lot of people will die. You said I was a part of you. I know how you feel about them, especially the one called Ruby. I don't want to see them hurt anymore than you do, which is why... please... don't be so selfish that you would cause their deaths."
"Take some time to think it through. I will contact you again soon to find out your answer."

The strange version of myself vanished into thin air as the rest of the area slowly crumbled around me.


Opening my eyes, I felt something soft and warm attached to me. Ruby, I guess after I passed out someone brought me back here and they put me in Ruby's bed... why aren't I wearing a shirt? I guess... they wanted to make sure I was breathing properly or something? Looking at Ruby's sleeping face as it rested on my chest brought a smile to my face, which, was quickly replaced with concern, fear and worry. They're coming for me? If that's right then I don't think I can stay here much longer either way. I need to leave, I can't bring anyone else into this. I'm sorry team... I'm sorry Ruby... I need to go.

Carefully moving Ruby as to not wake her up I quietly got down from the bed and, looking around to make sure no one else was awake, I grabbed my shirt and jacket, opened the door, and silently left.


"Where are you going?"
[Ryu] "what?"

Spotted already? I turned to face the origin of the inquisitive voice to find Pyrrha standing there at the door to her room wearing her pajamas.

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