Chapter 20: Vailed Negativity

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We've been searching all weekend and haven't found a trace of Blake. I'm starting to wonder if she's left Vale in its entirety.

[Ruby] "Blaaaaaake!"
[Yang] "Blaaaaaake!"
[Ryu] "Where are you Blake!?"
[Weiss] "..."
[Ruby] "Weiiiiis, you're not helping!"
[Weiss] "oh, you know who might be able to help? The police!"
[Ruby] "ugh, Weiss..."
[Weiss] "it was just an idea!"
[Ruby] "yeah, a bad one."
[Yang] "Weiss, I think we should hear her side of the story before we jump to any conclusions."
[Weiss] "I think that when we hear it, you'll all realise I was right!"
[Penny] "and I think Weiss' hair looks wonderful today!"
[Ryu] "Gaah!.. not again..."
[Ruby] "Aaaah! Penny! Where'd you come from."

Hold up, just let me put my heart back in its proper place after it leapt out of my chest... seriously, why can't I sense her presence? All living things have negative emotions... so why doesn't she?

[Penny] "hey guys! What are you up to?"
[Ruby] "Uhh..."
[Yang] "we're looking for our friend Blake."
[Penny] "Oooh, you mean the Faunus girl!"

We all stare at Penny, dumbstruck as to how she knew.

[Ruby] "wait, how did you know that?"
[Penny] "uhh, the cat ears?"
[Yang] "*laughing slightly* what cat ears? She wears a.....booooooh..."

Was that tumbleweed?

[Ruby] "*whispering* she does like tuna a lot."
[Penny] "so, where is she?"
[Ruby] "we don't know, she's been missing since Friday."

As Penny approaches an uncomfortable Ruby and the others slowly slink away, I decided that it's probably a good idea to split up, It's not because I can't handle Penny or anything... I just think we could cover more ground this way. Yep, that's the reason.

[Ruby] "guys...?"

Oh look, more tumbleweed.


Alright then, let's keep searching. I prop myself up on a nearby roof and close my eyes, focusing my senses on finding Blake's specific level of negativity. Doesn't sound nice I know but it should, theoretically work. Aaaaand found some, a few actually. 1-2-3-5 sources. Looks like I just have to mark them off as I go and hope I get lucky. I get up and head towards the closest source.


It's coming from a park? Oh well. I walk in closer and find a group of kids looking up at a tree and crying to no end. Well, I guess I'm not in any massive rush so I might as well see what's up.

[Ryu] "*walking over* hey kids! What's wrong?"
[Kid] "our ball..*sniffle* it's stuck..."

Really? This level of negativity is being brought on by a lost ball? I look up towards the tree and I can see it clearly. It's just sitting there on one of the lower branches.

[Ryu] "want me to get it for you?"
[Kid] "huh...? Ah! Y-yes please!"
[Ryu] "alright then."

Smiling at the kid for a second, I turn back to the tree and easily jump a good two metres, grabbing the ball on my way down.

[Ryu] "there you go"
[Kid] "thank you!"
[Ryu] "hm? What's up?"
[Kid] "are you a Faunus?"
[Ryu] "no, why?"
[Kid] "oh... never mind then.."

Ah, I see. This kid. It's hidden under his light blue hair but he's got a pair of wolf ears.

[Ryu] "actually, I'm a hunter. But y'know, one of my teammates is a Faunus. She's an amazing huntress too, extremely skilled."
[Kid] "really?"
[Ryu] "yep! I wouldn't want to go up against her on a good day!"
[Kid] "haha, thanks mister..."
[Ryu] "Ryu. Was good meeting you kid."
[Kid] "yeah! You two! Oh, and my names not kid! It's Cyan Okami!"

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