3: Kidnapped.

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Going to visit Haruhi must've been the worst mistake I've ever made. The Host club will NOT stop bothering me. I don't get what their problems are but they all seem to want to get to know me. They also want me to start visiting them after school.

"Dawn, why don't you want to talk to us?"

"I don't like talking"

"Aww, c'mon, we just wanna get to know you"

"No thanks"

I managed to make it through the week without breaking down. Somehow. Haruhi wanted to hang out with me on Saturday since it was one of the only days she got away from the club.

"Why don't we go for a walk around town? It should help you familiarize your surroundings"

"Sure" I say with a smile.

Haruhi is a commoner, as Tamaki explained it. But she knows how to be nice and not annoy the heck out of me, like Tamaki. If he heard what I was thinking he would probably be growing mushrooms in his corner, heh.

We started walking around, and I got a feeling that someone was watching us. Turning around I find the Host club attempting to hide. Kyoya didn't even try along with Mori, the tall guy. Are they seriously that stupid?

"Haruhi, Host club" she picks up on what I'm saying and turns around getting ready to kill them.

"What are you guys doing? Can't you leave me and Dawn alone for a day?"

"We wanted to see what you and Dawn were doing" Tamaki explained.

We stare at them with blank looks on our face. Seriously? Stalker much?

"Stalkers" I say crossing my arms.

Tamaki doesn't take this lightly. "What do you mean? I was just curious and worried that-"

"Curiosity killed the cat"

"Ohh she got you good boss" the twins were now standing on either side of me laughing.

I roll my eyes being even more annoyed than I was before. Can't they take a hint? "Leave"

"Yeah guys. Me and Dawn want some time away from you" nice to know Haruhi has my back.


"Tamaki I don't see why you dragged us here in the first place. I understand you like keeping the group together but that does not mean we have to constantly be together. Plus, Dawn isn't even apart of it"

"Exactly, so leave"

I turn around and try walking away but Haruhi wasn't beside me. I turn around and find the club running away with her. I sigh. Who the hell are these people?

I rush after them and manage to catch up. "I see you decided to join us" Kyoya says with a smirk on his face. Oh how I'd love to wipe that expression off of your face, what reason do you have to constantly be smirking?

"I don't know my way around yet" I mutter

He just shakes his head understanding. Haruhi was being dragged by the twins and Tamaki was leading them to wherever we were going. They all hopped into a limo. "I think I'll be-"
I was cut off by being dragged into the limo as well.

I sit in my spot between Kyoya and Honey. I flattened out my skirt while waiting to be told what was going on.

"Alright guys can you tell me where you're taking us?" Haruhi asks

"Its a surprise" the twins announce.

Why does it feel like I'm being kidnapped? They pulled me into the limo, not being told where we're going. What else does this seem like? A fun outing with friends? Definitely not.

We arrive at a big mansion. About the same size as mine, although my parents are more practical so we decided to downgrade in order to have money for other things we wanted. We pulled into the driveway and were carried out. Well me and Haruhi were anyway, the hosts knew we would most likely not move from our spots.

"Welcome daughters to the Hitachiin mansion. I had the brilliant idea of us coming here and working on our next outfits together!" He says too excitedly.

"Our mother is a designer so she has fabric we can use"

"So what are we supposed to be?" Haruhi asks.

"Haruhi, you will figure that out when I show Dawn the design"

"Why me?"

"After seeing what you did to your school uniform, Tamaki thought it would be a great idea to have you make them" Kyoya, are you serious?

Tamaki shakes his head smiling brightly and walks into the mansion following the twins. We are lead to a room with fabrics covering the walls. Woah, I'm in heaven. I was given a piece of fabric and told to start right away on Haruhi's outfit while the others were watching a movie.

I should be done in about two hours. Ugh, this is gonna be a long two hours.

Does the picture hold the truth? (Kyoya x OC)Where stories live. Discover now