6: Rough tides

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"This beach is... nice"

Truth be told, it looked like it was covered in garbage. It was actually some sort of crab but still, I don't like crabs. Anyway I just stayed away from it.

"Hey Dawn come play in the water with us" the twins ask? No more like demand.


"Because we want to"

"And we want to see you in your swimsuit"

I knew that had some ulterior motive. I sigh. I've been sighing a lot lately but what else would you expect being around this group?



I take off the red dress I had on from the tropical theme and head to the water. I'm almost at the water and the awaiting twins until I hear someone yell.

"Daddy can't have his daughter walking around in THAT" why Tamaki. Why?

I turn around and look at him, my hand on my hip. "Why not?"

"Because, because" he seems at a loss of words. He also has a slight hint of red on his cheeks. I just ignore him, leave him frozen and join the twins.

We actually had a lot of fun. We spent most of our time in the water but after being in there for a while I decided to relax. I walk down the beach trying to find a good spot away from everyone else. A little ways away down the beach I see Haruhi picking up crabs and a rock that reaches out over the water.

"Hey Haruhi"

"Hey Dawn, are you fine with this for dinner?" She asks holding up whatever it was in her hand

"Yeah, fun to try something new"

I go up to the rock, lay down a towel and relax. Or try. I'm lying down for a couple of minutes until I hear a couple of girls laughing and talking to Haruhi. Then I hear some voices I don't recognize. I open my eyes and find some drunk guys. And I thought this day was going to be great.

"Excuse me you can't be here" I try and say politely.

"Ooh look what we got here" one of them says. They start grabbing at the other girls while I yell for Haruhi to get some help. She doesn't listen and comes up herself to help.

"Let them go"

The guys don't listen to Haruhi. The next thing goes by in a blur. I hear the club running to us and Haruhi gets picked up and dropped off the edge of the rock. On instinct I dive in after her.

Where are you Haruhi? I find her and bring her back to the surface. Carefully hauling her body weight back to land I start to get really tired. When I reach the sand Tamaki grabs Haruhi from me while I pull myself onto shore. So tired. I didn't know saving someone could be so energy consuming. I start to drift off to sleep.

Before I'm completely asleep though, someone picks me up bridal style. I cuddle into their chest, not very aware of what I'm doing and fall asleep completely.


I awaken to a storm. It was dark outside. Did I sleep through dinner? My stomach rumbles and my thoughts are confirmed. I should go look for something to eat. I head out, noticing my change of clothes. How did I end up in pjs? I try to find the door to the dinning room but get lost. Didn't Kyoya say what room he was in if we needed anything? Surely he'll know the way to the dinning room.

I finally find what I think to be Kyoya's room and knock. I hear a faint "come in" and open the door. He was there with no shirt or glasses on and a towel around his neck.

"I need your help"

"Why not Haruhi? She was right next door to you"

"Oh, I didn't know. But could you show me to the dinning room? I missed dinner and would like something to eat"

"Of course, but first I want to talk to you. Come in"

I walk in and close the door. He motions for me to sit on the bed and I do so. The lights were dim, and the bedsheets were messy.

"Why didn't you try and get help?"

"I couldn't"

He shakes his head. "I see. Why did you dive in after Haruhi? Tamaki was more fit to jump into the water, it was very dangerous"


"Hm. What would you have done if those men managed to get their hands on you?"

"I don't know, but they didn't"

Why is he interrogating me? Is he trying to get me to say that I'm helpless and I can't do anything? Or that I should leave the saving to the guys? That's just sad.

Does the picture hold the truth? (Kyoya x OC)Where stories live. Discover now