13: Dance Night

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The day of the dance. Kyoya said I needed to dance with some men who asked me, seeing as I am a part of the club. Anyway an hour before he had me practicing.

"Just follow me". We start dancing, and me being rusty, look at my feet. "Keep your eyes on me. Listen to the music"

I do as told and find myself staring into his eyes and blocking out the world around me. The music is the only thing I hear and Kyoya is the only thing I see.

"Good job. Have you danced before?"

"I used to take lessons. I haven't danced in a while"

We stop dancing, I'm still in his arms. "You should get ready now, I want you to be there early to help prepare some things"


I walk out onto the balcony which overlooks a garden. Beautiful, I've never been here before. I find Kyoya and he tells me to make sure the tuxes are fitting properly. I finish and relax on a couch inside. Nobody was here yet so we had some time.

When everyone got there the music started and couples were dancing around the garden. I was asked by a couple of guys to dance, so I did. It's not like I had those lessons with Kyoya for nothing.

"May I have this dance?"

I hear from behind me. I just finished dancing with the last guy who had asked me. I turn around and find Kyoya with a hand outstretched towards me.

"Of course you may"

I take his hand and we start dancing. "You look beautiful"

I smirk. "Why thank you kind sir, but I do believe you already told me that"

His cheeks redden a little, probably at the thought of what happened yesterday. He just quickens our pace and moves us towards a less populated area. Eventually we make it to the middle of the garden, the music couldn't be heard through the bushes.

"Kyoya why did you bring us out here?"

"It's more quiet, and it's not as crowded"

"Oh" we stand in silence. I twiddle my thumbs. Why did he bring me here?

Before I could say something I was in Kyoya's arms. What? I seriously don't understand him, at all. I just stand there in his arms, not knowing what to do.

"Uh Kyo-"

"Shh. Remain silent for a second"

Ummm, why? I stand there silent for a while longer and he pulls away, but only enough so he can look me in the eye. THE LOOK IS IN HIS EYES AGAIN! His eyes had the same look as in the painting. I look at him confused.

There is a rustling coming from a bush behind me. I turn around and look towards it, I see orange hair. My eyes widen, the twins. What mischief are they up to now?

I turn back around to face Kyoya but something shocking, yet not, happens. One of the twins, I don't care which because they're both dead to me, pushes Kyoya into me. We both fall, but Kyoya flips us so I'm on top of him. I open my eyes and our noses are touching.

"Sorry" I say, not knowing why I was apologizing.

He doesn't say anything. While I try getting off of him he puts one hand on the back off my neck and pulls me back down. My lips land on his. I don't really know how to explain this, but his lips are soft. His kiss is so caring, is this what the look in his eyes were? Love?

He pulls away and looks me in the eye with a smirk on his lips. I swear those twins are dead, after our little moment. I put my hands, which were currently on his chest, on his cheeks and kiss him again. This time it's more passionate, and he seems to be enjoying it.

When we finish, I stand up pulling Kyoya with me. "I swear I'm gonna kill those twins"

He smirks. "I'll be right behind you"

Two great minds think alike. We, mainly me, chased after the twins. When I finally caught them I tried to beat them up but Kyoya held me back. I only managed to get one punch on each of them.

"Grrr, Kyoya let me go. I need to get rid of them" I grab at the air, trying to get my hands on them.

"Calm down. No good has come from harm" he whispers in my ear.

I don't calm down right away, but eventually I do. I sit down on one of the love seats, mad I couldn't beat up the twins. Kyoya sits beside me and wraps an arm around me.

I hate the twins. But I have to be grateful that they pushed Kyoya, if not I wouldn't know what he was thinking.

Does the picture hold the truth? (Kyoya x OC)Where stories live. Discover now