2: the Host Club

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At lunch I sit with Haruhi. When I sit down in my seat two twins come and sit on either side of me. Haruhi looks annoyed but sits next to one of the twins.

"Ohh Haruhi who's your new friend?" The one on my left asks.

"Her name is Dawn" she answers then mumbles "don't weird her out, she seems to be one of the only normal person in this school"

The twin on my right seemed to have heard her and fakes looking hurt. "Haruhi why would you say such a mean thing" then out of no where the twins hug me while fake crying. They go on about how Haruhi is so mean to them.

I look over to Haruhi and she seems to know what I'm thinking. She somehow gets the twins to let go of me. She had to pry them off of me but at least I'm not suffocating.

I eat my lunch, trying to ignore the twins as much as possible. I start to feel self conscious. Is someone staring at me? I turn around to try to find the person who I think is staring at me. No ones looking at me, must've been my imagination.

I get back to my lunch and try to enjoy the rest of it.


School goes by in a blink. Haruhi left me to myself so I could familiarize the school grounds. She also said she had to go to music room 3 to help out with something called a "Host Club". Maybe I'll visit her.

I made my way to a hallway with library's and music rooms. Noise filled all of the libraries. Guess I won't be studying there. I continue down the hallway and find the music room. This must be it.

I put my hand on the doorknob and push it open. I hear a string of voices saying welcome while I am being blinded by a bright light and rose petals. What have I gotten myself into?

Haruhi notices it's me and rushes to push me back out the door, Tamaki beats her to me.

"Welcome princess! So wonderful to see you again"

I just look confused and try to back out. No wonder why Haruhi didn't want me to come here. I definitely shouldn't have come.

"Who would you like to request? The Lolita type? Strong and silent type? Cool type? Little devil type? Natural type?" He then puts two fingers under my chin, lifting up my face to meet his, "What about the princely type?"

I just give him a blank look and say straight to his face, "No type". He seems taken aback. I would've been too. I'm a shy girl with an attitude, they don't mix well but that's me.

Haruhi drags me over to a seat. "Why are you here? You don't know what you're getting yourself into"

"I wanted to visit but clearly that was the wrong choice" I say looking back to the group of guys. They were all paying close attention to us, minus Kyoya and the tall guy.

"I'll just be leaving now" I walk out with my head down.

"Dawn why don't-"

"You stay for a bit" the twins say, blocking the exit.

"No thank you" I try and walk around them but no use.

"Miss Dawn. You were a model in your home country. You have a high IQ and your parents are wealthy, other than that there isn't any information on you, no personal records" Kyoya says.

"That's new"

"You must have a lot of secrets you're hiding" the twins say.

"There just isn't much about me for you to know"

"I plan on changing that!" Tamaki says.

"No need. You won't figure out anything" I then proceed to walk through the twins and leave.

"We'll see about that..." Tamaki says.

What are they going to do?

Does the picture hold the truth? (Kyoya x OC)Where stories live. Discover now