She was alone in the house that day.
No one was there to save her,
Everyone had gone away.
So she lay on her bed,
Knowing that her time had come,
In a few hours, she'd be dead.
But she didn’t care,
No, not one bit.
And maybe that's why she decided to tear
At her own skin.
She thought she wasn’t loved,
But in reality,
She was everyone’s beloved.
But she was alone in the house that day.
No one was there to save her,
Everyone had gone away.
Everyone thought that they knew her,
But no one knew her sin.
She always was in constant struggle,
Fighting her demons from within.
No one was there to save her.
For she was all alone.
They were sure,
That she wouldn't try anything funny.
But no one really knew
Exactly how bloody,
It got when she was depressed.
They all passed it off as some sickness,
Thinking that talking would make everything alright.
But no one knew how addicted,
She was to doing this.
No one knew till it was too late.
She was already in bliss.
Because she was alone in the house that day.
No one one was there to stop her.
Every single one had gone away.

Short Story"Sometimes when I say 'I'm ok', I want someone to look me in the eyes, hug me tight and say, 'I know you're not'" -Unknown