Little stories

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The Girl In the Tower

Who knows? Who knows anymore? Who cares? And actually gives a shit? I’m so lonely.

So alone.

Like a princess up in a tower. Shut out from everyone. And overcome with darkness. She shakes in the light. And basks in the heat. She hates the cold, though it's always there. Following her like a shadow; never quite going away.

She write on her skin. Black ink slowly covering her body, inch by inch. And, really, that's how the darkness eats you up. By covering your body inch by inch. And never letting you go. She feels like screaming, wanting someone to hear her in the tall tower above. But no one does.

And that's the thing, she so far away, that whenever she yells, the people below only hear gusts of wind. There's a girl in the tower, up high and above. But whenever she yells, screams for happiness. Screams for joy. All the people ever hear are small gusts of wind whistling in there ear, as they stroll along their merry day. Their day filled with happiness and joy.


The Lonely Boy

There's this boy. Up above. He's so alone and he feels like he cant breath. He shaking. Like a dog, but he cant feel the fear, he only shakes. There's dark markings on his skin. Forever etched; forever there. Sometimes he feel like scratching it off, peeling away the skin and throwing it away. He doesn’t hate his life. More like disappointed. Because he knows. Knows he can do better. But doesn’t. In the end, he fails. He fails and goes to hell. Because that's just how cruel life is right? The perfect go to heaven and the damned to go hell. For their mistakes and unknowings.


The Lonely Girl

She's laying in her bed, not knowing what to do. There are lines on her wrists, some white and faded and some red and blazing. The blood drips down her wrist, coating her bed, as the time passes on.

She lays there, thinking, thinking, about what to do. How to get away. How to escape the madness she's surrounded in.

She slowly walks to the bathroom and cleans up her wrists, placing bandages on them; already knowing that she's going to blame it on the cat when the ask. She looks at herself in the mirror, she not that self-conscious, she find things wrong about herself, but never feels the need to obsess over it.

She peers into the face of the girl staring back at her, and no longer sees the once happy, cheerful, colorful girl. No. Now she sees a tired, sunken eyes, deep purple eye bags contrasting against her pale, sickly face.

She sighs and turns, walking back towards her room.

She doesn’t care for the drying blood on her sheet, she can easily hide it. She lays back down on the bed and stares at the white ceiling of her room.

She thinks about her birthday that was months in the past, and how she finally got a car. She smiles to herself, loving the fact that she paid it off entirely. No one can track her through there.

She sits up and grabs the big denim bag. It was heavy to carry, but she expected it; it was full of her money after all. She had emptied out her bank account, not wanting anyone to track her through her card either. She walks to the door of her room and grabs the suitcase and duffel bag waiting there for her.

She walks to the back of her house and places her things in the car. Quickly she walks back inside the house and double checks that she has everything. She even brings a couple of snacks with her.

She reaches into her bag, gets out five notes, and sets it on the counter of the kitchen. Four of the notes for her family, each saying her goodbye to them and the last one to her best friend, saying she's sorry and giving her a special goodbye.

She sets the alarm for the house and leaves.

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