Chapter 30: Keep A Secret

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Asa's P.O.V

History was so dull and tiring; well at least i have B In history. first of all, i thought i was going to fail and every one of my classes but i knew i could try my hardest. Aramis thinks that i was smarter than everybody in school. he would come ask me about Reading, he would ask me a current question and i had to know the question because i loved reading books and stories.

As yesterday, when i was at  my laptop at 10pm, just tweeting my tweets. i can see all the favorites and Retweets and my Asanators did all of that. i do love my Asanators, i was getting close to 100k and i couldn't wait for those numbers to grow. whenever i'm very bored, i go and read my e-mails that my Asanators send me and i would read them. they sent me pics, treats, letters and collage. it was amazing what my Asanators did for me. i smiled bright when i see collage, written as "WE LOVE ASA"

Anyways, Aramis told me that he didn't like reading books, i asked him why. all he told me that "All stories are the same" he couldn't tell me more, but i knew he had to go through to them and as a Writer is the same with books....

This morning, i saw Mary at her locker, i liked the way she peeks out of locker, slowly to see who was there. i can see her light blue eyes glow with excitment and shockness. i wanted to kiss her. but everyone could see. Luckily the announcement stopped me. i grabbed her cold hand, the way that my heart beats louder and  faster whenever i see her. she makes my heart dance happily in a way no one else had done my heart like  that.

i walked her towards her class and what i did was kiss her cheek quickly before anyone can see. i couldnt wait to see her next period which was English. and finally the first period was over.

*The Bell Rings*

so i walked towards my English class, i saw Mary walking towards our classroom, we both smiled.

"Hey Love" i said

"Hey" she said shyly

i grabbed the door knob and opened the door for her

"After you" i said

"Thanks" she reply, i nodded and went in with her

we both were the first students who came class early and fast than others. we both found an empty seat/desk. i pulled the chair and Mary sat down. i helped her in. i went and sat down, facing in front of her. the teacher was on the computer, waiting for others to come.

"so how are you?" she whispered to me, so the teacher couldnt hear our converstaions

"i'm good, what about you?" i whispered back

"i'm good too thanks" she said

i looked at her neck, to see if she was wearing her necklace i gave her and she was wearing it. so was i. that necklace meant so much more that friendship.

"i can see you are wearing your necklace" i winked

"oh Yea"

"i have mine too, see?" i said, and showed her that i have it

"oh Yea i see it" she chuckled

i nodded

"Does our friends knows about our relationship?" Mary asked

"Chloe knows, i know she hasn't told our friends yet"

"oh" that's all she said

"but don't worry, we'll tell them the news at lunch today. we have to tell them to keep a secret"

"Ok, i hope things don't go bad with this"

"it won't i promise, i mean we just gotta be aware of what's around us" i said

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