Chapter 42: Tied Together With A Smile

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***2 WEEKS LATER****

Mary's P.O.V

it was the beginning of March, everything was still great and calm. Tuesday-  At Night Me and Chloe, Elle and Madison and Taylor had more Girls night - every Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. Taylor baked cakes and cookies for us. it was pretty delicious, we also paint and draw random quotes and pictures that we both had in our minds. Elle draw Matthew on the scratch paper. she was also an artist as I was, I thought she was more better than I was. it was great piece of art, it looked exactly like him. he had almost curls of hair and he had a light brown skin with brown eyes. they both were really good couple, I hoped their relationships kept on going until the very end. I draw Asa and I mostly. I sort of had a rough time drawing myself because I didn't know my beauty quite well and I didn't think that anyone would fall in love with the beauty I had.

I draw Asa's hair, eyes, neck, ears and everything I know well. it was just amazing what I had I draw. An artist takes a lot of work but it's also a huge experience with the tools that we all use. it makes you calm and focusing on the art and image that you are working on-. Elle was done drawing Matthew and then she looked at mine, I was barely done with it. she looked at me and smiled and I did too.

"It's so cool" she smiled

"Yours is too" I winked

"Thanks" she winked back

I got a text from Asa, and he told me to go to his dorm, he wanted to see me. Elle knew from the moment my phone vibrated. Elle was also going to Matthew's Dorm to see him. so we both told Chloe, Madison and Taylor that we would be back for a moment. they all shook their heads. Elle and I stepped out and we started walking down the hallway. then Elle spoke first.

"So Me and Matthew decided to escape the school again on Thursday  and we were wondering if you and Asa are going with us" she said

"Oh, I don't know if we should, Elle" I said, I was about to tell Elle that the principle saw the taped and they told Taylor to me and Asa that they'll do something awful if we escape again, then I realized that we all just be very discreet and no one would know.

"Come on, I know you want to spend time with Asa, you guys can do whatever you want, we are juniors Mary, not Freshmen or Sophomores" Elle said, while looking down then up to me

"I know but--"

"No excuses, Come on, we both want to spend true night with our love of our life's"

"Yeah I know, OK we both will go but we have to be discreet " I respond

"OK, Good -- oh here's Matthew's dorm.. see you later Mary" she said, she grabbed the door knob and opened the door

"See you later Elle" I said, she entered and I was still going down the hallway

I finally reached to Asa's dorm and I knocked on the door. Asa came and opened the door. I saw him panting and small sweat were rolling down on his cheeks and neck. I was wondering what he was doing. one of his earphones were plunged to his ear. I couldn't stop smiling and I had no reason why. So Asa let me in and let me sat on his bed. I was on my phone. he was doing push ups, up to 100 or more. Asa told me that Aramis went to Zachary's dorm, he said something about beating Zachary in the video game.

"Oh God" I heard Asa whispered to himself, I took a peek he stood up and he took off his shirt and my eyes were wide. I can't help but stare his chest and his abs. he was completely shirtless. it seemed like I could never get used to it.

he looked at me, I was caught for staring at him. I think he noticed about my wide eyes, how quickly they grew. I felt embarrassed, I wanted to put my hands on my face and covered my eyes but I didn't.

"Can you do me a favor?" he asked me

"Sure, what do you want me to do?" I asked

"I need something simple or a motivation, I need you to go underneath" he said

so I put my phone in my pocket --- I went underneath him and he was on top of me but his body didn't touch mine, his arms were stretch to the floor. I didn't know what he wanted me to do but the moment he came down, his lips touched mine. So he kissed me each time he comes down. I was blushing and delighted with this surprise kiss that he did. he stopped and he came down, his body touching mine. he wrapped his arms around my back. he so cute and handsome, I smiled so bright and you can see my cheeks turning light red. we both giggled.

"Oh Asa, you're so full of wonder" I smirked, he chuckled

he put his hand on my cheek, I put my arms around his light sweating back. he leaned in and kissed me so deep. I heard my quiet soft moan, he also hugged me tight. I didn't know what was happening cause my eyes were closed and all I felt was Asa's sweet lips and his lips were going down to my neck. I suddenly put my hand to Asa's light sweating chest, I always felt his heart beating to my palm. All Asa did was kiss on my lips and my neck and hugging me tight. it felt so good and right. once I touched his shoulder his sweat starts to dry quickly.

"Asa?" I said

"Yes, my love?" he said with a lovely tone

"Elle and Matthew are going to escape on Thursday, they were wondering if we are going with them"

"we will go, but we have to be discreet Mary, we can't be caught again. we are doing to this because I know you and I want to spend more and more time together out of the world, to explore more in London, you have hardly ever seen some amazing and beautiful sights in the UK"

"I truly do want to see some amazing sights that I have not yet seen since I came here" I said with a frown on my face

"Ok, you'll see them, but together ... you and me" he said... Oh gosh, I saw the love in his eyes when he said that

all I did was smiled and nodded, and I'd already couldn't wait on Thursday to spend time with Asa, I can tell Asa couldn't wait either. Already. we both smiled so happily and we just starting kissing. Still on the floor, Still Asa on top of me and yeah he was still shirtless. his sweats disappear from his face, neck , chest and his back. we both kissed deeply and we just fell in love over and over and over again.

Then someone opened the door.. it was Aramis

"WOAH!!" he shouted and he was covering his eyes with his hands, me and Asa were startled a bit

"Jeez, Relax" Asa said, we both stood up and Aramis stopped covering his eyes

"Damn Asa" Aramis said with a 'oh my gosh' face

"What!?" Asa asked him

"Nothing it's just---- Nothing" Aramis reply

"You would done the same, it's love Aramis" Asa said with a cutest smirked

"OK" he said

"I'm leaving now" I said, heading towards the door and turned around to looked at them, Aramis nodded and Asa came closer to me with a smile his face

"See you Tomorrow in the morning, Goodnight beautiful" he said

"Goodnight my love" I said

we both leaned in and kissed each other in lips which meant the 'Goodnight Kiss', I can tell Aramis groan in disgust, we both pulled back

"goodnight-- goodnight my Juliet " Asa whispered

"goodnight -- oh goodnight my Romeo" I reply, we both said in whispered so Aramis can't hear us and judge us. I stepped out and I quickly heard Aramis said "Romeo and Juliet, yeah right"

I closed the door and started heading towards to my dorm , then I saw Elle stepping out of Matthew's dorm, we both started walking back to mine dorm. My drawing that I drew for Asa, i would give it to him when Thursday night hits...  I so couldn't wait for tomorrow to see Asa and also couldn't wait for Thursday to spend time with Asa more at night, to see those amazing sights in London, my dream home....



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