The running and the Lonely #Sawler

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Sawyer's POV: How did it all come to this? Why can't my family just be happy for me? Happy that I'm happy with being who I am? What ever. Fuck them. I can just fend for my self. With tears in my eyes, I stuff a bag full of things I might need. I pack a ton of clothes.

All my money saved from my after school job, I shoved into my pockets. I also pack a knife, some food I had in my room, my phone charger, and my book of pictures. It's not much but it should last me enough till I can get another Job.

I take my over sized hoodie and put it over my tan body. I take the sleeves and roll them down. I whip my tears, grab the bag I use for school that I stuffed with my things and opened the window. It's pouring but that's to be expected. I used the fire escape and climbed down with my things.

I'm sure by now my parents are looking for military schools for me. I let the cold mettle hit my big hands as I climb down the slippery steps. When I make it to the bottom, I look back to my house.

"I'm sorry Lilly and Anny. But dad and mom just can't handle the fact that I am who I am."

I whisper to my self as I cry. I really am going to miss my big sister Lilly and my little sister Anny. There smiles every time I get them something from the small store down the street from my job because they know we don't have much. The way Ann will always tell Lilly and I how much she loves us to the point where it almost gets annoyining.

I'm even going to miss it that we fight all the time. I let the tears slip down my face as turn around. There's a train station about a mile or two from here. I'm going to miss the sounds of the big train at night. How it would lull me to sleep. I'm going to miss a lot of things. But this is the best thing right now. My parents hate me and I only have one friend here. Not that he would even tell that I was gone because of his new girlfriend.

But i'm going to miss him nonetheless. I let the rain hit my already cold face hard as I run for the train station. I end up getting there with in a few minutes. I step into the warm place and let my eyes take in the sight. It's small, but looks nice. I get in line. Where should I go?

I close my eyes and move my finger around. With in a few second, I open my eyes and stop my pointer finger. It landed right between New Jersey and Michigan. Michigan sounds like a nice place. And New jersey scares me. Michigan it is.

 "Here I come Michigan."

I get to the front desk.

"One ticket to Michigan please."

"How old are you?"


I lied. I'm 15. But I have a fake ID that says other wise. I won't tell if you wont. He gives me "yea right" look I took out my Fake ID that I had in my pocket and nicely gave it to him.

"That will be $14.00."

I take out the crumpled money out of my crammed pocket and gave it to the tall 'buff' man. More like husky but no judgment...

"Have a nice ride."

"You too."

I got onto the train.

"I said you too didn't I?"

I face palm my self. WOW. I take a seat on the crummy looking train. It's rusty looking and has bugs every where. But hey, better than my house. I sit next to the opening of the train and sit crisis cross. I out my hod up and try to get wram. I wonder if my parents will even care. I can just remember the looks on there face.


I walked into the big house I call home. I'm so nervous yet excited. I finally don't have to pretend anymore. I can be me. Sure there was that little, ok big, voice in the back of my head saying 'What if they won't love you anymore? What if they hate you more than they could ever love you?' I just ignored it.

The running and the Lonely #SawlerWhere stories live. Discover now