Chapter 12~ Problems...

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Tyler's POV: 

When I got home, my mom was home as well. I guess she's serious about me meeting her 'helper' in the office. Ew, that sounded sexual. Gross! Anyways, I have to change, mom's orders. She's been cleaning all day, so the house looks really nice. I sighed and headed up stares to change. I put on a white tee with a plaid checkered over shirt over it. I put on some nice tight black pants as well. I put some hello kitty socks on- don't question them- and styled my hair. By the time I was ready along with the food my mom has cooked for dinner, Her 'helper' was here. 

"Tyler! We have guest."

"Coming mother!"

I sighed, put my glasses on, and walked down satires. When I saw Sawyer standing there, everything kind of got awkward. He's the run away working for my mom? Well that's...weird.


"Oh, you know each other?"

"Yeah, we go to school together."

Sawyer says before I can. I can tell he's nervous. Why wouldn't he be? I am. Is this we're we tell my mom we're sorta kind of together? Wait, ok that's kind of confusing. I mean, we act like a couple, we're just not official yet. We're taking things..slow. My god we haven't even kissed yet and he's already meeting my mother? Well, I guess her knew her before hand anyways, but still!

"Yeah, we're good friends."

I look at Sawyer, praying he isn't hurt that I called him my friend. I only did it because i'm afraid this is to early for my mom to know. When I look at his face, he seems relived. Hopefully it's because he's thinking the way I am. 

"Well grate! Let's eat shall we?"

This should be interesting.....


Sawyer's POV:

When I walked up in front of Tyler's house, my heart stopped. I mean, I should have figured since the last names are the same, but I just assumed it was a coincidences. So I guess i'm meeting my kind of boyfriend for the first time according to his mother? Well that's just dandy. I sighed and knocked on the front door. Mrs. Oakley opened the door and yelled up for Tyler.

"Hello Sawyer, come on in."


I say as I step in. There's Tyler at the top of the stairs, looking hot as hell.  He stares at me in shock.


"Oh you guys know each other?"

Tyler's mom questions.

"Yeah, from school."

I say. I'm starting to get nervous. What are we going to tell her. That we're boyfriends? Friends?

"Yeah, we're good friends."

As he says that, i'm relived. I'm not ready to tell his mom that. Especially because she's my boss as well. 

"Well grate! Let's eat shall we?"

Oh boy. We all walk into the kitchen and took our places at the table. Tyler sat next to me and I couldn't help but want to touch his thigh with my hand. He looked at me and smiled his beautful smile. I smiled back then he did something I wasn't planing on him doing. He kissed me. Our first kiss. I kissed back. His breathing become harder, as did mine. I placed my hand on the back of his head and pulled him closer. I let my hand lay on his thigh, he moaned at the touch, making me moan my self.

Then there was a loud sound of glass shattering.

Tyler and I both pulled away, look for what the noise could be. Then we saw it. Tyler's mom's mouth was wide open, with a plate smashed beneath her.

well fuck me witha rake


PLZ! *dodges books*


i'm so sorry guys! i feel like a butt face! I havent updated in loard nows how long! 


i'm back, permentaly! Yes updates will become ragular again. Thank u for all the people still reading!

I really do feel bad and i love u guys.


PS. sadly sawyer "quite" youtube, but he still makes short films, it's just that's all he's doing. But as long as he's happy who cares? I will still, forever and always, ship Sawler!


Pss- this chap is dedicated to bellafeagan AND jessvampangle for motovating me to do this story still! Thank u both so much! U guys r the reason i didn't delte the book!

also thanks for all the reads and comments!

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