Chapter 4- Bad memories

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{Omg I'm so bad! I need to b doing my homework right now! but I don't wanna! Ugh Is it weird that I'm addicted to righting my own books? I even do it during class, mostly social studies cuz that class is easy. UGH I'M SO BAD! anyway, hope you like it :D OH and 7 comments and over 60 reads? YOU GUYSS! u ganna make me cry! Thank you ALL SO MUCH :D!)

Sawyer's POV: I walked out of the office with a big smile on my face. My soon to be boss had told me that I could start work Monday. Mr. Mony, the man that helped me get the job, pulled a few strings for me. I had to tell him my story because he started to question me about things like health insurance. He had told my Boss about my story too. My boos, Ms. Oakley, said she hopes her son dosen't leave like I did. Of course I got a little bit of a lecture about how I should go back, but they soon dropped the matter. They both thought it was ridiculous that they didn't expect me, there only son.

I'm glade some people aren't as narrow minded as my parents. Mr. Mony gave me her number in case if I needed anything else. He said he dosen't like to get personal with his clients but I remind him of his late son. I felt really bad. I hope he gets closure soon. It has been a few years but still. Can you imagine? Having come home, hoping to come home to your only child, whom you called your miracle, but instead find him passed out on the floor with blood guessing from him head and a gun in his hand? I shiver at the thought.

He thought of him as his little metrical because he's unable to have kids. But remarkably he had him and he couldn't be happier. The mother wasn't in the picture so he took care of him all by him self. Most dad's wouldn't have done that. At lest that's the common story. But really when it comes down to it, no matter the gender, if your a bad person, your a bad person. I let out a sighed pulling out a piece of paper that he had given to me. It red:

~ Avc St. 12365 Johns apartments.

As you could guess, it's a place for apartments. But I don't have any idea how i'm going to pay for one. Plus all the bills and furniture. But it's worth a shot right?


Tyler's POV: I didn't get any sleep last night. My mom said the boy she haired was well, a boy. He's a year or two older than me and he ran away from home. I can't image how hard that must be. How cold he must be right now. While i'm here, wallowing in self piety in a warm bed. It's not even time for school so what the hell am I doing up so early? There's no point in trying to go back to sleep now. I only have an hour till I have to get ready. I sigh. I hate being alone with my thoughts. I always brake down in a fit of tears.

"Why didn't you go see him? What's wrong with you?"

"It's not my fault! I was only 8. I wasn't aloud to see someone who was thought of as a rapist!"

I yell at myself in side my head. Here come the tears. Damn it.

"Why didn't mommy listen to us? It's hurt fault you never got to say good-bye."


"If only our cousin would have just told the truth saying that it wasn't real. Then he might have had a chance at life."

"Please... stop.."

I started to cry harder.

"You now that he didn't do it. You know your own father could never do something that bad."

"I know...I know.."

"But no one ever listens. So he rotted in that cell. and died of Cancer. And it's all mommy's fault. She believed cousin and let daddy die. She should pay. They both should die. Just like daddy did."

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