Chapter 7~ PayPhone

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Tyler's POV: Sawyer and I talked for a while. It was really nice. He's really nice. I should learn to not just expect everyone to hurt me. But it's hard. Because at one point... everyone you know and love, will hurt you. But Sawyer's the only one who hasn't. Well... at lest not yet. But he will eventually. Everyone always does. Time fly by way too quickly. Sawyer was gone after he said he had to go. Now i'm just sitting here..... alone in the library. After this period I have music class. It's a fun class... just not my thing y'know? I'm more into reading than anything. I also really like old films. I know, I'm a dork. But they're really good... at lest in my opinion.

Soon the bell rang and I was on my way too music. My stomach won't shut up. It's mad at me because I skipped lunch. I just....I dunno. Maybe if I just eat breakfast and then a healthy snack at night.. I would lose wight. I'm not extremely fat or anything. I'm just not as skinny as I would like to be. At the moment I weigh give or take 140. Is that normal for a teenage boy my size? NO! I'm just a big fat no buddy. I don't know if you've noticed, but my mood changes in the snap of a finger. I'm not BI polar or anything... I just haven't been taking my medicine.

Again, no, not medicine for BI polar people. I have what people call, 'graves disease'. It means that my thyroid-the thing that produces your hormones and controls your moods along with the way your eat and how much you eat- is outta Wac. Why haven't I been taking it? I feel like a freak every time I do! But when I don't, my mood along with my eating habits, are spiraling out of control. It also causes me to have to drink a lot and have depression. But I kinda already had that anyways. It makes my throat hurt like crazy when I don't take it.

My heart beat also goes at an un normal rate. Witch causes my to get dizzy and pass out. I haven't told anyone about it. The only people who know about it is my mom and me. Well and the school nurse.

{Yes this is a real thing. I should know, I have it}

My mom also has it. Doctors are always fighting about weather or not it's gen tic. I dunno if it is or not. Not many people have it. only 2 percent of women have it. But only a pinch of men have had it. It mostly occurs in women. With all this in my mind, I get to music. I absentmindedly just stare in to the distance threw out class. Ugh. Today is so boring. Well... except for when I hung out with Sawyer. That was the highlight of my day. Maybe even my week. Sad isn't it? And it's only Monday.


Sawyer's POV: I had a good time hanging out with Tyler. He seems really nice. And we have quite a few things in common. I'm now leaving because I have to leave for work. I have another free after this one so when Mr. Mony signed me up for school, he convinced the principle to allow me to leave after my first free. I feel really lucky that he would do all this for me. And he treats me like I have known me for years when I haven't even known him a full week. I just wish that the people like this could have been my own parents.

But I just shake that thought. I know if I think about them to long that I will start to tear up again. And coming into work crying like a five year old... isn't a good first good impression. Plus, I should be vary thankful that everything happened the way it did. If it wasn't for Mr. Mony, I would be with out a job and homeless. I consider my self extremely thankful and lucky. It's not every day you run away and have everything fall into place like things did for me. Like I said, extremely lucky.

I'm about half way there by now. I have about 15 minutes before I have to be there and I will be there in about 5 minutes. So I take it upon my self to take a quick trip into a nice but small cafe. The building is a nice redish purple color with a cute blue baby blue door. I take the nob in my hand and twist it. When I step in, I hear a small little 'ding'. I step up to the counter that's made out of a nice shade of light brown wood.

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