Chapter 10~ What?! (Part 2)

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Small recap:

Ew, I can't belive i'm doing this. But I just have to remeber, it's to crush Tyler. Into tiny peaices.

I take Sawyer by the face and kiss him. He trys to pull away, but I keep a good grip on him. I hear a gasp, and I have to cantian my laughter and a smirk because I know it's Tyler. I pull away from Sawyer to see confusetion all over his face. Tyler must hae told him that I bullied him, because he looks like the impossable just happend. I look up with Tyler with a fake innocent expresstion. He looks like he's about to cry. Good.

"Sam, what was that?"

"Will you be mine?"

I blurt out. I hear Tyler let out a sob. It's loud enough for Sawyer to spin around and look at him. But it's to late, Tyler's running for his life.


I hear Sawyer say under his breath. And that's when I knew, my plan worked.


 Sam's POV:

He try's to brake from my grip, but I make him look at me.

"Is that a yes."

I couldn't hold back my smirk anymore. Sawyer shoved me.

"Your a dick. You knew Tyler liked me, so you go and kiss me?"

I put my innocent face on.

"W-W-What?! I didn't know that! I...I really like you Sawyer. I..M'sorry."

I mumble looking at the ground. I should be an actor.

"Oh cut the shit, I know when I see fake acting."


"Fine, yes, I did it to piss Tyler off. So you to can not be togather, and I can have you to myself."

He scoffs and shakes his head.

"Your sick. I know your still acting. Fucking twat."

With that, he leaves. I shrug my shoulder. Oh well, Tyler's at home, probably crying, and that's all that matters. My plan didn't go exactly as planned, but Tyler still got hurt. And that's all I really care about. But i'm going to need another plan, and fast. I have to make Sawyer hate Tyler's guts. But, I kind of just pushed them towards each other. He's probably going to go and comfort him.

I should really think things threw.


Tyler's POV: I was tapping my foot. I getting vary impatient. I know it's weird, but I just want Sawyer to hang out with me forever. I... I guess i'm just afraid that someone will turn him against me. I look around to find Sawyer and Sam. Well, maybe i'm just looking for Sawyer. Huff out in annoyance. I finaly spot them. Would it be wrong to go over there? Probably.. doesn't mean I won't do it...

I walked behind the back of the house to see Sawyer and Sam talking. I diced to investigate. It's not snooping if i'm just.. investigating. But then, man did I ever wish I hadn't. Sawyer and Sam were kissing. I felt my whole body go limb. I'm so confused and hurt. Wasn't Sam the one who made my whole life a living hell for wanted to do what he's doing right now? Kissing boys? And I was so sure Sawyer liked me. Maybe it was innocent flirting. I'm so stupid.

As if someone like Sawyer, or anyone fore that matter, would want me. I mean, look at me. I'm almost at the end of my first year of high school, and this is my first party...ever! God i'm such a loser. My eyes are burning, as i'm about to cry. I see Sam look at me, with a fake look on his face. Fuck him into the ground.

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