Chapter 2- Do they notice i'm not there?

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The night made the whole place seem like a movie set. The moon light reflected off the dusty windows making the whole place be covered in moon rays. The place it self seems like a Rather older looking place. It has murals painted every where. These one that really caught my eyes. It has a tree that dosen't have many leaves on it blowing in the wind. But back round is what really catches your eyes. At the bottom it starts out with the cool colors on the color wheel.

But as you go up you start to see the warmer colors come in and mix in with the color ones. I have always been a fan of art so when I see something like this, I usually admire it for a while. Shaking my head I realize I have probably been sanding there for some time. I walk over on the wooden floors, causing it to creak, to a white chair that's off to the side. I take out all th money in my pocket and start to count.


Forty five... well that's not going to last me long at all. I need to think of a plan. I should get a job. But what kind of job? I need money for an apartment. To pay the phone bills for. To pay for food. I breath in deeply. I just need to calm down. I will be fine. Right? Ok lets come up with a plan. I'm 15 so there should be SOME good paying jobs right? At lest enough to get me by. I could be a waiter? But that wouldn't get me much unless I did it at a bar at something. Witch is against the law. What about....An assistant? That's actually not a bad idea.

I mean if they need someone to talk to Young people..I'm pretty young. And I learn quickly. And I love talking on the phone. But I would need a resume. Maybe there's a library around here some where that I could use to type one up. But I doubt it would be open this late.. or should I say early in the morning. I take another deep shigh. I doubt my family even noticed that i'm gone. The fact that I've run away still hasn't settled in yet. And I don't know if I will be able to handle it when it dose.

But I have to remember that no matter how much I miss them or feel desperate for there hugs or kisses... that they didn't except me. That they, not matter how much they try, won't ever look at me the same way EVER again. Weather that be in a good or a bad way... it still won't be the same. But, over all that, I still don't regret my chose to leave. If I stayed they would have sent me to a 'get your foggot boy straight' kinda camp. I'm happy with who I am. I just wish they were too. I get up and go to a lady that seems like she works hear. She looks like she's in her early 20's. She has velvet hair and bight brown eyes. Her body curves just the way every straight guy would want it, at lest a shallow one. Her lips are red and her smile is brighter than the sun. She's wearing a blue uniform dress with golden buttons every few inches. Her pink and blue heels tap on the wooden floor as she walks over to me.

"Do you need any help sir?"

"Well yes I was just wondering, do you happen to know where a library not to far from here is?"

She looked a little taken back by m question. I guess not many people ask that.

"Sorry there's not one here unless you go to the school library."

"Oh. I hate to ask but, do you guys have a computer I could use really quick?"

Her face went red. Is she blushing?

"Yes we have one. Come with me."

"Thank you. I really appreciate it."

"Oh your well come. So what's your name?"

"I'm Sawyer, Sawyer Hartman."

I stick out my hand.

"May, May Kensa."

She smiles as she shakes my hand.

"Right in here Mr. Hartman.":

She lets go of my hand and leads me into a office looking area. She points to a computer and I take a seat.

"Thank you. Do you have a printer?"

"Yup right here."

She said as she pointed to the dusty printer with her polished nail.


She nods and leaves the room. I start working on my papers.

1. Has worked as a bell boy

2. Is good with phones

3. Learns quickly

4. Loves to help others

5. phone number- 1235328621

6. Email- @Sawyerheartmen_ Jakeatthestatefarm.

I added a few more things and did all the necessary things. I might have lied, but just a little. After I finish, I print the paper and head out of the room. The station seems a bit more bussy know. I don't see May any were, but I guess I thanked her enough. I head out of the station with my backpack and determination.


sorry wont be able to update for a week or so bc my computers being a jerk! And again, sorry for the short chapter! Promise the next one will be MUCH better! Later my BL loves <3.

The running and the Lonely #SawlerWhere stories live. Discover now