Chapter 3- Is being young as easy as parents say?

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I stepped into the bone chilling cold and started my way down the street. I look over to the sun rising just above the thin horizon. It's ray's hit my face- warming it. I must have spent more time on my resume then I realized. I pulled out my phone.


I cursed. I only have a little battery left and it's 7:30. I'm not even sure a job getting place-not sure what too call it- is open at this hour. I'm not even sure where in the hell i'm going to. I just let my feet hit the pavement hit my feet for a while as I walked around for a while.

I guess this a good time just to sit and think for a minute. I found a nearby park and sat on one of benches it has. I gazed up at the trees swaying in the light breeze. I take in a deep sigh. This is best right? Running away?

Sure it is. I mean, why live in a house filled with people who hate you? But maybe the where just shocked? Should I have stayed? No. Even if they would have been completely fine, I was going to have to leave sometime soon anyways. My family seems normal on the outside. A lot of people would refure us as 'The perfect family'. Little did they know that we're the complete opposite. Far, way far from perfect. My friend Kyle always knew that. He was the only one that did.

But it's not like he cares about me know anyways. His girlfriend has him wrapped so tight around her little finger that I can't say hello with out her having to be there. When I came out to him, his girlfriend didn't like it. She thought that I would try to take him away. No offense to him, but he's not really my type. Plus he's as straight as they come. I look down at my hands.

I'm not sure as to why but I start to cry little. I guess it's because i'm realizing that I might never see them again. As much as I hate them right now, there still my family and I love them. No matter how much I wish I didn't, I do. But what would you do?

Having to watch your mom and dad gamble all of there money and often losing. Causing us to move again.Or watching your 23 year old sister sleep with every guy she can no matter how many time you try to protect her and stop her. Or watching your younger sister, sit there and not being able to say a word. Because she was born like that. Me and her have a special connection

She's the only reason I would come back. I plan on, once I get a place to live and a stable job, to ask if she wants to come and live with me. I know this all sounds crazy, but I guess that's just the way I think. I look away from my hand and look at the breath taking sky.

Words could never describe it's beauty. It's a tainted orange with purple trickled across it. With a hit of blue and white shinning though the cracks. I sight and whip the tears off my eyes. I gather my things and make my way down the street. I see a guy and I figure it could hurt to ask him to help me out.

"Um.. sir?"

The tall man with a black suit turned to me. His dark and amber eyes looked at me. His eye's screamed 'WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT?" But his smile said 'Life is grate?"


"I-I was just wandering if you could help me find a place where I could get a job."

Wow.. you sound clever.

"Oh sure. Do you know where Bengal street is?"

"Not really. I'm kinda new here."

I say shyly.

"Oh. Well welcome! Um so you just go down that street there and make a left. There should be a big building that says 'Need work? Come inside.' There, people can help you find a job you want."


I flashed him a smile and walked off. At lest the people here are nice..


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