Chapter 9~ What?! (Part 1)

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Lily's POV:

"Mom, i'm telling you, it's a bad idea."

"How? I could get my baby back if I do this!"

"You don't think he 'll try and make it harder for you to find him?"

"Lily, I.. I just want'm home."

"He doesn't wanna come home!"

I let a few tears roll down my cheeks. Sawyer's going to hide forever if she puts his picture on the news. Witch could put him in an even worse place. It's bad enough he can't call me everyday, if he runs to somewhere else, he wouldn't be able to call me at all because he really wants to hide.

"But why? I've given him a home, food, a nice things! Why would he just run away!?"

I just stared at her. Is she for real right now? That's when I lost it.

"why? Why! WHY?!"

She looked shocked and frightened as I raised my voice, but kept going. I passed around the dusty kitchen counter.

"You and dad, acted like you'd rather have Sawyer dead than gay! AND YOU WONDER THE FUCK WHY SAWYER DOESN'T WANNA COME HOME! FOR FUCK'S SAKE'S!"

I grab the first thing I could find, witch just happened to be a plastic cup, and smashed it to the ground. Luckily, it didn't brake. My breathing was extremely hard as the ringing of the plastic hitting the hard ground bounced off the walls. I ran a my sweaty palms threw my hair. I feel like screaming until I lose my voice. Ann and Sawyer could die if they stayed here. That's the only reason I stay. This house is slowly rotting away. There's constant bugs every where. Sawyer's roof to his room is caving in slowly but surely. Ann doesn't get treated as an equal, so she's treated like shit.

The sad part is, my parents don't even realize what there doing. I mean, there constant gabbling could cost them the house, along with the drugs they use. Witch Sawyer and Ann don't have a clue about. Ann wouldn't understand, and Sawyer would hate them more than he already dose. And that would just cause more problems.

And to think, everyone in this town believes where law fallowing Christians, that shun anything evil. Oh the Irony.


Sawyer's POV: Today was so boring at school. I just can't wait till Friday. Well, mostly, I can't wait to hang out with Tyler. We've become closer and closer everyday. He's really sweet and is always thinking of others. Maybe tomorrow, after the party, we can have a sleep over. I've never been to one before, due to the lack of friends. Sure, I had my one friend back home, but he's not really scocail. Anyways, i'm just laying here, on my floor, looking at the ceiling. I just take a moment to realize what my life is.

I've run away from home, got my own apartment, got a job, and enrolled my self in school. And i'm only 15. But, i'm glad I ran away. I hated my parents, and now I hate them even more. I don't know why I cared about there opinions in the first place. They're hypocrites. I sighed and started on my homework.


After about an hour, I finished all my homework. I don't really have much to do around here. I decide I'll just walked around the neighbor hood for a while. I grab my jacket and slip on my shoes quick, not really bothering to put some socks on and start to walk down the dark halls. I could hear the shuffling of my feet as I walked on words. It's raining and it's windy so I be careful as I walked down the concrete steps that lead to the rainy side walk. The only sound I heard was the sound of cars wishing by on the wet streets. I look around, memorizing the scenery. It's actually really nice here.

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