four ➳ chores

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WITHIN MOMENTS, we were disturbed by Count Olaf throwing open the door

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WITHIN MOMENTS, we were disturbed by Count Olaf throwing open the door.

"Children! Get up!" he yelled, "I have many things for you to do today."

The three of us stood up cautiously, with Sunny still in Violet's arms. Count Olaf then held up a piece of rolled up paper in his hands and allowed it to fall to the ground.

The long list cascaded all the way across the room. It took me a moment to actually register what they were: Chores. And there sure were a lot of them.

Olaf read the entire list out loud, from "clean my underwear", to "feed the giant rat to the Venus Fly-Trap." They made my stomach turn.

When he finally finished the list, he exclaimed with horror, "Oh dear! It seems I've forgotten one."

Then he leaned down and pulled a pen out of his beard and wrote the phrase "make dinner" on the back.

"But, we don't know how to make dinner," Violet pointed out with a questioning stare.

Count Olaf glared at the four of us.

"Pick a recipe, buy the ingredients, make the meal, serve it, and stay out of our way," he stated rudely.

"Our?" Klaus questioned.

"Our?" Olaf mimicked, "Yes, our. You will be making dinner for my theater troupe as well."

He threw me a greasy brown bag, which I caught, and immediately regretted, then stormed out.

"Deerishull," Sunny stated, meaning, "How in the world does he expect a group of kids to cook an entire meal with what little money he provided us with?"

"I know, Sunny. I know," Violet said reassuringly.

"Well, we should get to work," I stated, meeting Klaus' hopeless gaze. "For the recipe, we can go visit Justice Strauss and her library."

The mention of a library cheered Klaus up a bit. He nodded, and a glint of happiness shone behind his glasses.


We arrived at Justice Strauss' cheery house, and Klaus reached forward to ring the doorbell.

A couple seconds passed, and we were greeted by Justice Strauss' uplifting smile.

"Oh children!" She exclaimed, "Welcome! Welcome! Are you here to visit my library?"

We nodded in unison. "That's exactly what we came for," I responded.

"Good! Follow me," she said, turning around and leading us into her house.

We followed her out back to a garden filled with colorful flowers. I glanced over at Klaus beside me to see his eyes filled with wonder, and a small smile playing on his lips. I hadn't seen that in ages.

"Now, my library has everything from the top strictest schools in the country, to the world's most threatening fungus," she sighed, as if in a dream. "Now what are you looking for, today?" She turned back to face us once she reached the entrance to the library.

This time, Klaus spoke up, "We are looking for some recipe books. You see, Count Olaf has asked us to make dinner for him and his theater troupe tonight."

"Oh wonderful!" Justice Strauss stated, opening the door to her library, "I have many, many cookbooks.

Once we stepped inside, I was frozen in awe. The walls were lined with books upon books, and although it was not nearly as big as the Baudelaires' library, I felt more at home than I had been in a while.

"The cookbooks are over on the right. If you need me I will be outside gardening," Justice Strauss stated.

"Wegruff," Sunny questioned.

"What my sister means to say," translated Klaus, "Is that she would love to assist you with your gardening."

Justice Strauss' face lit up. "Oh my! Of course Sunny may join me!"

She took Sunny gently from Violet's arms and carried her outdoors. Violet, Klaus, and I exchanged looks of happiness as we strolled to the cookbooks section of the library.

Violet picked out a book called "Recipes That Actors Love" and went to sit down. Klaus and I continued to browse the shelves until both of our hands landed on the same book "Simple Dinners".

I felt the heat rise in my cheeks as Klaus let his hand rest on mine atop the book. I looked into his deep brown eyes and returned his embarrassed smile.

"We can go through this book together," he suggested. I nodded in agreement. We found a couch and sat next to eachother, the book propped on both of our legs so we could both see. Our hands brushed as we scanned through different recipes, and before I registered it, I clasped his hand in mine.

"Just like old times," I said, looking up from the book. Klaus smiled in return, then looked back down at the book, and gave my hand a quick squeeze, which I returned happily.

Before I continued reading, I looked over at Violet staring at us, giggling. She was still on the first page, which made it clear that she had been doing that the entire time.

Justice Strauss entered the room with Sunny unnoticed, until she saw Klaus and I holding hands.

"Ahhh, young love," she said, dreamily. "I wish I had it. It was the romance novels over in the back corner that got me through it, though." Both Klaus and I blushed, and let go of each others' hands. My hand felt cold, like something was missing without it there.

We finally recovered from the Justice Strauss' statement, when Klaus excitedly yelped,
"I found something! Pasta puttanesca!"

I followed his gaze down to the page, and read through the recipe. It sounded simple enough. Now all we had to do was buy the ingredients, make the food, and do the rest of the chores. Great.

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