"Get down!" screamed the commander, from the rear window you could see what was happening, one of the IFVs hit an IED. The others waited behind it, but whilst waiting a wave of black armoured troopers came from the hill top. The IFV in front was still moving, and clearly intended to stick to the mission, and not wait behind for the others.
"We need to keep moving, do not stop!" shouted the commander to the driver, clearly regarding the IFV in front. "We need to take down as many of those troops as possible! Live forever apes!"
"Ooh-rah!" All the soldiers shouted in unison, and they got out the IFV. The IFV in front unloaded the troops as well, and more came from the blown up IFV. Two generals came and charged to the factory warehouse where the black armoured soldiers were staying. We all rushed to the factory, taking cover between firing so we could reload. From what I overheard the soldiers at the back obliterated the black armoured troops who laid the IED. So all survivors were now charging the factory.
"Status?" One of the generals asked, unknowing of what was really going to happen.
"One IFV down, twenty three troop’s dead, two injured the rest up here. The two injured are being helped by two medics, but we have plenty more here to help us." A different commander stated, clearly not taking in what he said, oblivious to his surroundings.
“Move up! Move, go go go!” Screamed the commander, but as soon as he got up he got shot in the head by a sniper. Several other soldiers died in the process of the charge, the surviving commander who was in the IFV with me and my two friends called something into his comlink. “This is Commander Allen, requesting a bombing run on position Echo Niner Delta-Five Nine Two” As soon as the order went through you could hear the bombers, also known as Phantoms, roll from the sky. Phasors obliterated the snipers and bombs hit the warehouse where the black armoured soldiers were hiding. As soon as the phantoms left, a charge among the surviving green armoured, mobile infantry, started to wisp away the black armoured survivors.
“Shit! I’m hit!” Screamed a General, a medic ran as soon as he heard this and the medic propped the General against one of the IFVs out of range from any stray bullets. The three of us ran and took out several black armoured enemy soldiers, and then Hardnut noticed something...
“Oh god, these guys are Vaktovians!” He panicked, and in his panic ran to the general, “Sir, these guys are Vaktovians. What if Vaktus is here?” Hardnut explained with a panic stricken tone.
“Vaktus is defiantly here” Replied the General “but we do not know where about he is.”
A squad of Mobile Infantry came back, “All the Vaktovians are now dead sir, any further orders?”
“Negative Sergeant, return to base for a de-briefing.” Replied the General, without sounding too pleased with the result. All the Mobile Infantry got into the surviving IFVs, two IFVs were blown up with C4 due to them being useless and another two were left due to already being destroyed. However, the original team in the IFV were split, the three of us were still together only two privates and three lieutenants were not present. We assumed they got into the other IFVs, but we all knew where they really were.
After a ten mile journey down and out the mountains, all the IFVs reported a strange sound occurrence. A massive Dreadnaught ship loomed above them. “Help us!” Reported in one of the IFVs, however the signal disconnected. The other IFVs reported the same things, and the same happened to us. We were beamed up to the Dreadnaught and locked inside the hanger. The five of us inside the IFV were paranoid; none of us knew what to do or how to do it. But we all knew we were going to die.
“What should we do?” Asked the driver uneasily.
“How should I know, I have never been in this situation.” Replied the commander.
As soon as the commander responded the door to the IFV burst open, and several armed Vaktovians burst in with weapons poised and ready to fire. “Get out” one of them said, we did what we were told. We knew we were outnumbered and we knew we couldn’t fight back. When we stepped out we saw tons of other Mobile Infantry members being shot on sight for not doing what was told, or for looking different. Everyone knew the Vaktovians were racist, fascist dictators. We never talked after stepping out of the IFV; we only looked at one another hoping for inspiration. I noticed the General, the one who wasn’t wounded; we had no idea where he or the medic was, he was being moved for what looked like a torture session. I only knew a few other generals who weren’t either dead or up here, only Breeze, Poppy, Andy and Mathew. I didn’t know where Smelly was though, he was probably still down by the mountains being treated by the medic. I knew I had to get out of this huge ship but I didn’t know how. I looked over to Burner for inspiration, but he just had a look of sorrow on his face. I looked over at the guards escorting us to the prisoner bay, and then I noticed something. They all had guns, but they have safety on. The safety could only be switched with a magnet, which none of the guards seemed to have within clear reach. I then had a plan, but it would need to be quick and efficient. But when I looked to the other Mobile Infantry troopers, I saw loads of them being shot, with blood spattered everywhere. Only a few other MI members were alive from what I saw, two were with the general and five were in the hanger, and there was still me, Burner, Hardnut, the commander and the driver. Four of us, trying to rescue three probably high ranks and five regular ranked troopers. While destroying the whole ship which most likely had Vaktus onboard, who could enslave minds? It seemed like an impossible task, but if we completed it we would be heroes among the MI.
But first, we needed to get to the Prison block where only few guards and loads of MI where, hopefully. All it would take is a will of a single man, and the power of thousands.
Mobile Infantry: Life after death is often misread.
Science FictionSeveral veiws on what happened on a disaterous week. From a Private's veiw, to a General's.