Part 8

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"What..?!" I blush and back away immediately. "So, you do have sense of danger." Said that putting his hands into pockets. Silance. We just stare into each other. This is awkward. I feel numb all of a sudden, I must be tired, I don't remember if I ate something at all today. What am I doing? I should be home and in my bed by this time, but nooo... I'm here and having a really awkward moment with this strange white haired guy! *Flashback* My heart tightens... Damn it, it might be HIM... I don't know...

"You seem..." He mutters. I look at him immediately. "What?" He sight. "I just wanted to mention, that you are a woman and I'm a man. And it's a night time." He smirkes and I'm confused. "So, what?" He chuckles. "I could rape you anytime, even right here and now." Wha...?! I should be scared, but... Yes, I'm shocked by his brave and blunt statement, but I feel... Hot. My blood is boiling. I feel breathless all off a sudden. What's happening to me... I notice that he stiffens a little. "You must go home now!" He barks at me so sudden, that I jump back. Now I feel frightened. I turn around and run back to my house not looking back.

I shut my homes door behind me and I lean on it. Breathless. I felt like I flew here. What the heck was that?! My head hurts. I don't know anything anymore.

When I went to bed, only one thing I saw that made me feel that way. When he made that rape statement, he looked at me with hunger, that's why I felt so hot. No one looked at me like that before. He's blue eyes were darker, it almost seemed that they were dyed in crimson. With that image in my head, I fell asleep in a deep slumber.

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