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{Levi's POV}

Raising my hands up, I stretch side to side, twisting my back until it pops with a satisfying crack. I smooth out my shirt and grab my things, heading to the back of the restaurant. Oluo is here, so I know I'm able to leave before closing time and nothing should fall apart. Underline the should.

I push open the door to reveal that a chill has crept into the air. There's Texas for you. Hot all day, a bit cool at night during summer. The rest of the year is like rolling a dice. It's only 7, so I know Eren will be at home by now possibly cooking dinner.

I jump into my Jeep and back out of the space, leaving the parking lot. I turn the warmth on low and hum random tunes while I drive. Mr. Brightside appears constantly and continues to flow through me like a lazy river.

I come up to the apartments and glide into the same spot I park in everyday. I see Eren's car next to mine and sigh in relief, glad he made it home safe. I won't question his driving skills, but he definitely has the tendency to daydream. And fall asleep no matter what.

I take the stairs two at a time, trying not to fall due to my short fucking legs. Why? Why must I be under average height? I slip the keys into the lock, pushing open the door to smell burning food. Frowning, I slam the door close, causing the dozing Eren to jump up and run into the kitchen. I walk in there, eyes narrowed, and watch as he tries to save the food with my hands on my hips. Fushi is running around like a fucking idiot like always, meowing his filthy ass off.

"Ah, hi, Levi! How was work?" He takes turns between looking at me and the pot of overcooked noodles. I walk over and smack him in the head, making him rub it and back away. I fix the heat settings and take over dinner.

"It was long, I guess. You?" He brings a chair up next to the counter and sits down, his hand playing with things it shouldn't be. Like my ass, for example. I glare at him as I take the pot over to the sink to strain it.

"It was great, up until after lunch when I had to wait such a long time to see you." I shake my head and empty my hands. I stand in front of the chair, arms crossed, and lean against the counter.

"You haven't kissed me hello yet." He chuckles, standing up and sliding over to stand in front of me.

"Well, I've been too busy getting beat up over dinner to. Do you want me to?" His eyes are full of mischief and his grin contains evil. Scowling, I grab his collar and roughly yank him down to my height, making him look me in the eye. His eyes are now wide.

"Who the hell is some brat to ask whether I would like to be kissed? I should be asking you that, you piece of shit." He grins and gently grabs my hands from his shirt, putting them around his neck. He places himself against me, his arms around my waist, and bends his head down to kiss me.

Hes always so gentle about it, and I'm not sure if that's good or not. He took my lip virginity in college, and since then, he's never tried for more. I don't know if it's me or him.

I tangle my fingers in his hair, bringing him closer, and he licks my bottom lip. My mouth opens willingly, and we fight for dominance, our tongues fighting for who would be top. He easily wins.

He explores my mouth, and I start to feel my knees go weak. He suddenly pulls back, his hands on my hips, and puts his head against mine. I glare at him crazy, my eyebrows raised in both annoyance and confusion.

"I don't want to push you, Levi." It's the same damn excuse every time. I'm done taking it as a reason.

"Fuck that." I crash my lips back into his, and his eyes spring open in shock. He doesn't hesitate to dive back into it.

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