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{Eren's POV}

As a waitress comes to take away plates, Sasha fighting another one to protect whatever food she still has, I look around and smile. This is the perfect time to do it.

I look at Levi, actually engaged in a conversation with others. It's mainly him bickering with Hanji and Erwin, but it's still nice. I lean over to Mikasa and tap her.

"I think I'm gonna do it."

She rubs my shoulder, smiling kindly. "You can do it, Eren. You deserve this."

Taking a deep breath, I clear my throat to get their attention. As everyone starts shushing others and all the attention lands on me, I feel myself get nervous. Levi looks at me, eyebrows furrowed.

"Ah, hi everyone! Thanks for all coming to dinner! Thanks to Hanji and Erwin for hosting the dinner party! So, if I could have your attention for a few minutes, I would like to make an announcement."

Levi leans over and whispers, "What are you doing?" I put a finger up and smile calmly.

"As all of you know, me and Levi have been together since.. what was it, freshman year of college? Oh god, who knows. It feels like it's been much, much longer though." I take another breath and continue.

"So, I'm not sure if you guys realize it, living with him and dating him is a pain in my ass. He's obsessed with cleaning, he bullies my cat, and he's way more paranoid and cruel than he lets on." He glares and me and crosses his arms. There's a few chuckles around the table.

"But, that's not all he is. He's also surprisingly caring, protective, and way more loving than you would ever thing him to be. That's exactly why I fell in love with him." I hear a couple quiet gasps, like they're figuring out what's happening. I look to Mikasa for encouragement and she nods to go on.

"Jaeger, what are you doing?" He doesn't even bother whispering, he just straight out asks me in front of them all. Smiling slyly, I turn to him.

"Practicing our marriage toast." His eyebrows come together for a minute, but his eyes slowly grow a bit wider as he realizes what I mean.

I stand up, earning awes and gasps from not only a few at our table, but at tables surrounding us too. I go and stand behind him, making him turn to me, eyes wide and confused. Kneeling, I take one more breath and look up to him.

"Levi, I love you so damn much and I will never get over that. You are the only person I could ever be with. Please, will you put up with me forever and be my husband?" A couple girls squeal and there's a few camera clicks but all I can focus on is the beautiful sight in front of me. I pull the ring out and open it, the silver band glowing in the light.

There's tears forming in his eyes, something he would never let happen in public, and he looks so vulnerable. Nodding quickly, he kneels in front of me and wraps his arms around me tightly, his face in my neck.

"Of course I would, damnit. Shit, Eren.." A happy laugh bursts out from my throats and I hug him tightly. There's claps and cheers around me and I hear Hanji screeching.

As I pull him away from me to put the ring on his finger, I know I made the right decision. I love him so damn much

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