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{Third Person POV}

As Levi stands at the stove, cooking, Eren sits at the dining room paper, his nose buried in work.

"Dinner is almost ready. Clean off the table." He goes to the sink to strain the vegetables, Eren not even glancing up.

Sighing, he rubs his eyes. "Max!" Walking in from the living room, a girl, about 15 years old, on her phone.

"What's up, Pops?" Her short blonde hair falls in her eyes. She pushes it backof her eyes as she adjusts her phone in the waistband of her leggings. She scratched unconsciously at the shaved parts of her hair, a habit she gained from Levi.

"Set the table. Just put everything around your dad, he's too busy with work to pay attention to any of us."

"Sure." She goes and grabs some napkins and forks and goes to the table, kissing Levi's cheek on the way.

As she sets the place settings down, she has to continuously move Eren's stuff.

"Ugh, Dad, come on. It's dinner time! Just do it afterwards." Finally looking up, he sees his daughter and smiles.

"Okay, okay." Turning to Levi, he smirks as he picks up his papers, "and for the record, I did hear you, I just ignored you."

Glaring, Levi just continues to serve the food. As he brings the four plates to the table, he looks around and crosses his arms. "Max, where's your brother?"

Sitting down at the table, she shrugs. "Probably reading in his room." Sighing, he takes a second to stretch his tired back before going to get the other child.

"Hey, sit down. I'll go get him." Eren kisses him gently before going off to find the child.

As he pops his head into the room, he sees the young boy exactly where predicted. With a curly mop of brown hair, all you see is that above a larger book.

"Josh, dinners ready. Come on." Looking up at his dad, he smiles and puts the book down quietly. As they go and sit at the table, they dig in quietly. All except for Eren. He sits there, food uneaten, as he looks at his beautiful family. Remembering everything's that's happened, he smiles.

19 year old Eren meeting 19 year old Levi, freshman year of college.

24 year old Eren proposing to 25 year old Levi.

25 year old Eren marrying 26 year old Levi.

Adopting a baby girl not even a year later, mostly because of Eren wanting to.

33 year old Levi talking him into adopting another child, a baby boy.

Almost 42 year old Levi and a 41 year old Eren sitting at a table with his with family. His beautiful fucking family.

As he looks around again and everything he's accomplished, a tear falls down his cheek. He has everything he could ever ask for.

Josh is the only one who sees it hit the table. "What's wrong, Dad?" Eren finally noticed the tears and smiles, wiping it away.

"Nothing. Nothing at all." He grabs Levi's hand, squeezing it. He then leans across and grabs one of each of his children's hands, squeezing them tightly.

"I love you guys." The kids look between each other, confused.

"We love you too." Says Max.

At that exact moment, everything was perfect. And from then on, everything always would be. 

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