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{Levi's POV}

!!Warning!! Possible that I tried to write smut and it didn't work! I hate myself :)

I quickly undo his belt, pulling it out in one jerk. When I look up, his face is bright red, his eyes wide. I smirk, leaning up and claiming his lips. They're completely willing with mine and it takes no time before he's lost it.

I lean down and start biting his neck, his chest, his stomach. Once I've left a sufficient amount of marks to show ownership, I nod with approval.

"L-Levi? Are you sure? You're usually.." I put my hand on his mouth, silencing him. He talks too damn much.. As I start sliding his pants down, it's obvious he's sprung a tent. He always gets hard so easily. I lean forward and straddle him, my face close to his ear.

"Are you sure you'd still rather do the actor?" I finally let go of his hands, having to support myself. He covers his face with his hands, shaking his head no.

"I take it back.." I kiss him gently, biting his bottom lip. When he's about to accept me, I lower my hand to his nether region, pressing down on his member. He gasps and arches his back a bit. "Levi!"

Smirking evilly, I lean back and go sit at the other end of the couch. His face, half annoyed and half shocked stares back at me. He quickly pulls his pants back up.

"What, brat?" He sits up, attempting to hide the boner. All I can do is chuckle quietly as I grab my cooling tea off the table.

"That was mean." Rolling my eyes, I grab his hand gently and kiss it.

"Whatever. Let's go get ready." I stand up with my drink and walk to the bedroom, listening to his soft steps behind me.

"Why do we have to get ready? It's barely after 3 and we still have several hours until dinner."

"I said we would be there a bit early. Hanji asked." I set the mug down and go to the closet. "She also said dress fancy, which will be hard for her."

I'm rummaging through the clothes for my fancy shit and finding nothing. "Anyone else gonna be there?"

He takes a drink of my tea and almost choked it up. Idiot. "That's disgusting. Anyways, I think so. Christa, Ymir, Jean, Marco, Connie, Sasha, Mike, Auruo, Petra, and Zach all got invited as far as I know."

"That's a lot of people for a random dinner."

"Eh, it's Hanji. Of course it is. Besides, we're going to a restaurant." I finally find my black button down in the very back, pulling it out.

"Mm. Did you find yours?"

He's standing there without a shirt, attempting to put it on. "Yeah. Help me?" I walk over and start buttoning it from the bottom.

As I get to the top, I glance up and see him staring at me, a soft smile on his face. "What are you staring at?"

He chuckles, putting his hands on my hips and leaning down to put his forehead on mine. I sigh and wrap my arms around his neck, my eyes closed.

"I love you, Levi." I open my eyes a bit and his beautiful green eyes are looking straight back at me. God damn, this brat. He's got me wrapped around his finger. I'm so fallen for him that it's not even funny.

"Yeah, I love you too." I kissed him gently, hugging him to me afterwards. After a few moments, I separate myself so I can get dressed too.

As I'm putting my shirt on, watching his back in the bathroom, I make the decision that would forever change who I am. I'm going to marry this brat if it's the last thing I ever do.

"Hey, Levi, you ready?" Looking in the mirror next to him, my button up looking nice with my black slacks, I nod. I look at him and hold my breath. He's gorgeous.

Grabbing my hand, we walk through the house, making sure everything is turned off. As we get to the door, I grab the keys and close it behind us.

"You fed the rat, right?" Glaring at me, he pushes me a bit.

"Cat, not a rat. And yes I did."

When we're about to get in the car, he jumps up, almost hitting his head.

"I almost forgot my phone! I'll be right back." I watch as he runs back to the door, but what's weird is that I see his phone in his pocket. Idiot. He'll realize his mistake soon enough.

I start the Honda while he's gone and wait for him to get back. I put some Of Mice & Men on, thumping my fingers to the beat of Another You.

When he finally comes back, I was zoned out and it makes me jump. Ass.

"Sorry, let's go."


When we pull up to the restaurant, I see it's mostly full.

"Tony & Luigi's? This is ridiculously fancy for a random dinner." Laughing, he runs around to the other side to grab my hand as we walk in.

Walking inside, I cringe immediately. It's loud and crowded. I see Hanji right away, however, do to her jumping and waving. Glaring, I drag Eren over and we take our seats. Everyone else is already here.

I sit back quietly as he makes pleasantries with everyone, laughing with his friends happily. Shitty glasses keeps going on and on about god knows what, and you can see Potato Girl eating all the bread.

Before long, a waiter brings glasses of wine for everyone. I sip at it, pleased that it's not bad. Leaning towards me, Eren whispers in my ear.

"Are you enjoying yourself?" I nod, patting his head.

"Thank you."

He smiles, grabbing my hand and squeezing it. He mouths a silent, 'I love you,' and I swear I get lost in his eyes. He's amazing.

Not long after, the waiter comes.


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