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{Levi's POV}

It's been a week since that arguement. I'm terrified it's going to happen again, but I say nothing. It's Sunday again, so we're both lying in bed. Sunday is our sleep late day, since we're both always so busy.

Eren's been sleeping a lot more, so I decide I should probably wake him up. But I still just lay there and watch him breathe in and out. I can't do anymore than that.

He's so beautiful. I watch as his eyes flutter open, settling on me and crinkling as he smiles. I get lost in the depth of the colors and soul, and I shiver when his hand touches my face. I have no clue what to do, so I just lean into him and breathe him in.

I want to marry this fool. It's been a known fact for a while, but I don't think he'll hang around me for that long. Sighing, I close my eyes. I need to get up.

The thought having ruined my happiness, I push up and off of the bed. Eren groans when I leave his arms, but whatever.

"Leviiiii~ it's sleep in sundayyyy~~" I roll my eyes and walk into the bathroom. I need a shower.

As soon as I have the water at a good temperature and my clothes are folded up, I step in and let the water flow over me.

I'm reaching for the shampoo bottle when the shower curtain is yanked open and Eren practically hurls himself inside. My eyes narrow and I fall against the wall, having slipped.

"Move over, Levi. The floor is cold.. shit." His arms are wrapped around himself and he yawns. He must have forced himself out of bed for this. Looking at me, he smiles and pulls me over to him.

"Hey, you. I have come to help you. And stuff." I scowl at him but give in. It's not like we haven't done this before. He pushed the hair off of my face, running his hands over my cheeks.

"Hey, Levi?" I grunt, not wanting to talk much. "Pass me the shampoo, you loser." It now being behind him, I get mischeviously fun ideas. So I smirk and start walking toward him.

I push Eren up against the wall of the small shower, my face in his. My face is emotionless except for the smirk donning my lips. His eyes widen and his mouth opens and closes. There he goes again, looking like a damn fish.

I reach past him and grab the shampoo bottle by his hip. I reach to grab it, kissing his side as I do so. He sucks in a breath and turns bright red.

When I give it to him, I see he's biting his lip. He takes it from me and gulps.

"Uh, Levi. You know you have to turn around if I'm going to wash your hair. I don't want to get it in your eyes, crazy." My face twists up at the idea of it. I quickly turn around. He puts the good smelling liquid on his hand and starts to gently massage it into my head.

"Levi, you know I love you, right?" I close my eyes. I know he does, but I can't say that. But I guess I have to.

I nod my head quickly and he chuckles.

"Good. I'm just checking. Here, put your hair under the water..." I lean forward under the shower head and he runs his hands through my hair, gentle as ever with me.

He pulls me back to him and I look up at him. He's smiling and his eyes are practically lighting up. I narrow my eyes at him. What does this brat think he's doing?

He carefully wraps one arm around my waist, the other hand holding my neck. He slowly brings me to him and I have to stand on my toes to reach him. He bends his face to meet me half way, and our lips meet and it's like everything melts away all over again. I wish I hadn't fallen for him, but I'm glad I had.

Our lips move in sync, dancing together like they were made to do specifically that. His tongue enters my mouth slowly, and I don't bother fighting for dominance today. I want to be his right now. He pushes off the wall and easily moves us around so I'm against it. He moves the last hand to wrap around my waist too, and I move my arms around his neck. At least this way, if I fall, he has to catch me. Either that, or I'm bringing him down with me.

He removed himself from my face and starts leaving little kisses all over my neck and jaw, tickling me. I can't believe the mess this boy has turned me into.

As he starts trailing them down to my chest, the water starts hitting us, freezing cold. He jumps against me, yelping, and I push him off of me so I can get out. At least I'm fucking clean, this dumbass has to stay there.

He starts climbing out after me and I push him back in. He groans and looks at me with puppy eyes. "Levi, it's cold!"

"You should have spent more time cleaning yourself than kissing me."

His eyes grow wide and his mouth drops open. Scowling, he closes the curtain and finishes doing what he started. Idiot. That's what showers are made for, not sex rooms. He deserves it.

I towel off my hair and wrap it around my waist. When I go back into our room, I see an outfit lying out. It's my running shorts and a tank top? Ignoring it, I go and get dressed in a pair of normal, dark blue jeans and a sweater he gave me last year as a birthday gift. I don't have a shirt on, but who cares.

I quickly make the bed, but I lay back on it when I'm done. He walks out soon enough, glaring at me. He's shaking and it actually makes me laugh. He just shakes his head and goes to the dresser.

"You need to put the clothes on that I laid out for you. We're going out today. It'll be hot, I hope."

Oh, hell no. First, he practically attacks me in the shower. Now, he wants me to go sweat my ass off at some park because he wants to go running?

Brat's got another thing coming.

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