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{Eren's POV}

Grinning at the rare sight, I keep my distance from Levi. There is a 50/50 chance I might just get hit. He's actually wearing the clothes I put out for him and he's glaring at me in a way that says, "Come near me and I will fucking murder you."

I laugh as I grab his hand and drag him out of the apartment. When we get to the sidewalk at the bottom of the stairs, I kiss him gently and start jogging. I hear him groan before he runs to catch up with me. Soon enough, he's jogging beside me.

After about 10 minutes of silence, my gasping breaths takes over and I have to stop to catch my breath.

"Idiot. I thought you wanted to run?" He stops and crosses his arms in front of me, not even breaking a sweat. How does he do this?

I flip him off and calm down enough to talk to him. "Whatever. Anyways, we're going to dinner with Hange and Erwin tonight." He groans, walking away from me. I smile and grab his hand before he gets out of distance and drag him back to me. Even though it's practically a thousand degrees out, I pull him to me and wrap my arms around his waist, hands on the small of his back.

"Tch. You do realize you're sweaty, yes?" I smile and nod, and he just glares at me before putting his arms around my neck. Smiling, I lean down to give him a quick kiss on the cheek. He sighs, stepping closer.

"Hey, Levi?" He groans into me, his forehead against my chest. "I love you, you know that, right?" He nods. I chuckle and hug him tightly, my head against his. When he looks at me, he looks vulnerable. He doesn't look angry, bored, annoyed, or like a smart ass. He just looks genuinely tired, or maybe like he doesn't know what to do. Good thing I do.

I bring my hands up to his cheeks and tilt his head back. My thumbs caress his cheeks gently, and I smile. I know we're in the middle of a public place, and there's always the chance we could get messed with for doing this, but who cares. I lean down slowly and close my eyes. I press my lips against his carefully, hoping that I'm not hurting his neck at this angle.

He stands up on his toes and pulls me closer. I smile into it, too damn happy. How did I land this? He pulls away after a minute, face red. I pull him back to me and hug him fiercely. He buries his face in my chest and mine in his neck. God, hes perfect.

"Okay, we're going home. I'm tired." He narrows his eyes and scowls. Yep. I totally did that.

He practically chases me home, ready to murder my ass. When we get inside, he immediately pushes me into the bathroom for a shower. "Don't touch me, we are showering now. You know good and well how I feel about you being clean."

I think the whole 10 minutes we spent in there, he was contemplating how to murder me and get away with it. Now I have to know.

"Hey, Levi?" I sit on the bed in my jeans, drying my hair off with a towel. I pause and let it sit there as I watch him fuss around.


"How do you plan on murdering me?" He looks at me with one eyebrow raised, a bored expression on his face.

"With my own two hands. I'll make sure to bury you in the flower field from the Twilight movies." He turns back to the closet to find a shirt, tossing me one in the process. It's the one with IDIOT written in big letters across the chest. Rolling my eyes, I throw it on and lay back.

"Good enough. But you'd never actually murder me, right?" He stops what he's doing and pauses for a second to think.

"Sure." Sucking in a breath, I decide that's my cue to leave.

We spend nearly the entire day doing nothing but sitting on the couch and watching movies. Levi chose some movie I'd never heard of, The Phantom Of The Opera. It was okay. Gerard Butler isn't half bad looking.

Halfway through the movie, he pauses it to get some tea, and I check the time. It's almost 3. "What do you think of the movie so far?" He asks me.

Stretching out, I reach my hand down to scratch the cat. "It's okay. I mean, I'd do him." There's a pause in the noises, but it continues quietly.

"Oh, really? You sure are a nasty brat." Glaring, I cross my arms behind my head.

"I am not a brat. I'm not nasty either, he's hot for an older guy." I hear the microwave beep so I assume he heated it up.

"Is that so?" He comes back in and sets it gently on the coffee table. Before I know it, one of his hands is on my wrists and the other under my short. I bite my tongue and my eyes shoot open.

"Uhm, L-levi? What are you doing?"

He continues to run his hand up and down my side, tickling me. "Well, you do seem to have a thing for older guys, and seeing as I'm older than you.."

"Well, y-yeah, but.."

"But what?" He runs his arm behind me and pulls me up against him, his mouth inches from mine.

His lips brush against my ear and he gets incredibly close, his breath tickling me.

"Tch. I guess I'll just have to show you why you chose me, and not him.."

My breath catches, my face hot. Oh, shit. What have I started?

"L-Levi.. we have to leave soon.."

He gently bites my ear, moving both his hands to my jeans.

"We have time.." his voice is deep and husky, completely turning me on.

"For now, you're mine, Jaeger." 

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